<lenteren pub> -- Publications of Joop C. van
Lenteren: <PHOTO> [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL Library] EARLY Publications LATER Numbered Publications Brasch, K; Van Lenteren, J C; Boisclair, J;
Henter, H. 1994. Biological control of Bemisia tabaci with
Encarsia formosa: A realistic option?
Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische
Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent, v.59, n.2A, (1994): 325-332. Doodeman, C J A M; Sebestyen, I; Van Lenteren,
J C. 1994. Short-range flight test for quality control of Encarsia
formosa. Mededelingen Faculteit
Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische
Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent, v.59, n.2A, (1994): 315-323. Drost, Y C.
1996. Development of
selection criteria for natural enemies in biological control: Parasitoids of
Bemisia argentifolii. Sommeijer, M. J. and P. J. Francke (Ed.). Proc. of the
Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the Netherlands Entomological
Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 7; Seventh Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands, December 15,
1995. viii+256p. Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
ISBN 90-71912-14-0. 1996. p. 165-170. Drost, Y C; Van Lenteren, J C; Van Roermund, H
J W. 1998. Life-history parameters of different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci
(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in relation to temperature and host plant: A
selective review. Bulletin of
Entomological Research, v.88, n.3, (1998): 219-229. Fransen, J J; Van Lenteren, J C. 1993.
Host selection and survival of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on
greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, in the presence of hosts
infected with the fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis. Entomologia Experimentalis et
Applicata, v.69, n.3, (1993): 239-249. Fransen, J J; Van Lenteren, J C. 1994.
Survival of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa after treatment of parasitized greenhouse whitefly larvae
with fungal spores of Ascherosonia aleyrodis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, v.71, n.3, (1994):
235-243. Henter, H J; Van Lenteren, J C. 1996.
Variation between laboratory populations in the performance of the
parasitoid Encarsia formosa on two host species, Bemisia tabaci and
Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, v.80, n.2, (1996): 427-434. Henter, H J; Brasch, K; Van Lenteren, J C. 1996.
Variation between laboratory populations of Encarsia formosa in their
parasitization behavior on the host Bemisia tabaci. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, v.80, n.2, (1996):
435-441. Lei, H.
1996. Recording electrical
penetration graphs and honeydew excretion of the greenhouse whitefly. Gerling, D. and R. T. Mayer (Ed.).
Bemisia: 1995. Taxonomy, biology, damage, control and management. xxi+702p.
Intercept Ltd.: Andover, England, UK.
ISBN 1-898298-33-5. 1996. p. 53-68. Lei, H; Tjallingii, W F; Van Lenteren, J C; Xu,
R M. 1996. Stylet penetration by larvae of the greenhouse whitefly on
cucumber. Entomologia Experimentalis
et Applicata, v.79, n.1, (1996): 77-84. Lei, H; Tjallingii, W F; Van Lenteren, J
C. 1997. Effect of tethering during EPG recorded probing by adults of
the greenhouse whitefly. J. of
Applied Entomol., v.121, n.4, (1997): 211-217. Lei, H; Tjallingii, W F; Van Lenteren, J
C. 1998. Probing and feeding characteristics of the greenhouse whitefly
in association with host-plant acceptance and whitefly strains. Entomologia
Experimentalis et Applicata, v.88, n.1, (1998): 73-80. Lei, Hong; Xu, Rumei; Tjallingii, W. F.; Van
Lenteren, J. C. 1998. Electrical Penetration Graphs of
greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). Acta Entomologica Sinica, v.41, n.2,
(1998. May): 113-123. [in Chinese] Lewis, W J; Van Lenteren, J C; Phatak, S C;
Tumlinson, J H III. 1997. A total system approach to sustainable
pest management. Proc. of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.94, n.23,
(1997): 12243-12248. Loomans, A J.
1995. Biological control of
thrips pests: A review on thrips parasitoids. Loomans, A. J. M., J. C. van
Lenteren, M. G. Tommasini, S. Maini and J. Riudavets. Wageningen Agricultural
University Papers, Vol. 95. No. 1.
Biological control of thrips pests. ix+201p. Wageningen Agricultural
University: Wageningen, Netherlands. ISBN 90-6754-395-0. p. 89-201. Meekes, E T M; Fransen, J J; Van Lenteren, J
C. 1994. The use of entomopathogenic fungi for the control of
whiteflies. Mededelingen Faculteit
Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent, v.59, n.2A,
(1994): 371-377. Posthuma-Doodeman, C J A M. 1995.
Short-range flight test for quality control of Encarsia formosa. Sommeijer, M. J. and P. J. Francke (Ed.).
Proc. of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the Netherlands
Entomological Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 7; Seventh Meeting, Utrecht,
Netherlands, December 15, 1995. viii+256p. Netherlands Entomological Society:
Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 90-71912-14-0. 1996. p. 153-158. Roskam, M M.
1995. Flight capacity and body
size as indicators of quality for the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa.
Sommeijer, M. J. and P. J. Francke (Ed.). Proc. of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the
Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 7; Seventh Meeting, Utrecht,
Netherlands, December 15, 1995. viii+256p. Netherlands Entomological Society:
Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 90-71912-14-0. p. 159-164. Silva, I M M S. 1995. Analysis of
Portuguese Trichogramma spp. (Hym., Trichogrammatidae) using ITS-rDNA and
RAPDs. Wajnberg, E. (Ed.). Colloques
de l'INRA, No. 73. Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids; (INRA Colloquia,
No. 73. Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids); 4th International Symposium,
Cairo, Egypt, October 4-7, 1994.
226p. INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique): Paris,
France. ISBN 2-7380-0618-3. 1995. p.
37-39. Sutterlin, S.
1993. Foraging behaviour of
Encarsia formosa on Gerbera and tomato leaves: A comparison. Sommeijer, M. J. and J. van der Blom
(Ed.). Proc. of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the
Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 4; Fourth Meeting of
Experimental and Applied Entomologists, Ede, Netherlands, December 18, 1992.
x+256p. Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN
90-71912-09-4 p. 61-65. Sutterlin, S; Van Lenteren, J C. 1997.
Influence of hairiness of Gerbera jamesonii leaves on the searching
efficiency of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa. Biological Control, v.9, n.3, (1997): 157-165. Van Alebeek, F A N; Bezemer, T M; Van Huis, A;
Van Lenteren, J C. 1996. The functional response of Uscana
lariophaga under different egg
distributions of its host Callosobruchus maculatus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata,
v.81, n.2, (1996): 227-233. Van Lenteren, J C. 1993? Biological
Control in Protected Crops Where do We Go? Pesticide Science, v.36, n.4, 321-327. Van Lenteren, J C. 1993. Biological
Control and Integrated Pest Management in Glasshouses A Commercial
Success. Pesticide Science, v.37,
n.4, (1993): 430-432. Van Lenteren, J C. 1994. Biologically
based crop protection: The approach for the 21st century. Mededelingen
Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen
Universiteit Gent, v.59, n.2A, (1994): 163-169. Van Lenteren, J C. 1995a. Integrated pest
management in protected crops. Dent,
D. Integrated pest management. xii+356p. Chapman and Hall Ltd.: London,
England, UK; New York, New York, USA. ISBN 0-412-57370-9. p. 311-343. Van Lenteren, J C. 1995b. Frequency and
consequences of insect invasions.
Hokkanen, H. M. T. and J. M. Lynch (Ed.). Plant and Microbial Biotechnology
Research Series, Vol. 4. Biological control: Benefits and risks. xxii+304p. Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge, England, UK; New York, New York, USA. ISBN 0-521-47353-5.
1995. p. 30-43. Van Lenteren, J C. 1997. Benefits and
risks of introducing exotic macro-biological control agents into Europe. Bulletin OEPP, v.27, n.1, (1997): 15-27. van Lenteren, J. C. 1998. Sustainable and
safe crop protection: A reality?
Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische
Wetenschappen Universiteit Gent, v.63, n.2B, (1998.): 409-414. Van Lenteren, J C; Overholt, W A. 1994.
Ecology and integrated pest management. Insect Science and its Application, v.15, n.6, (1994): 557-582. Van Lenteren, J C; Hua, L Z; Kamerman, J W;
Rumei, X. 1995. The parasite-host relationship between
Encarsia formosa (Hym., Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hom.,
Aleyrodidae): XXVI. Leaf hairs reduce
the capacity of Encarsia to control greenhouse whitefly... J. of Applied
Entomol., v.119, n.8, (1995): 553-559. Van Lenteren, J C; Van Roermund, H J W;
Sutterlin, S. 1996. Biological control of greenhouse whitefly
(Trialeurodes vaporariorum) with the parasitoid Encarsia formosa: How does it
work? Biological Control, v.6, n.1, (1996): 1-10. Van Lenteren, J C; Drost, Y C; Van Roermund, H
J W; Posthuma-Doodeman, C J A M.
1997a. Aphelinid parasitoids
as sustainable biological control agents in greenhouses. J. of Applied Entomol., v.121, n.9-10,
(1997): 473-485. Van Lenteren, J C; Roskam, M M; Timmer, R. 1997b.
Commercial mass production and pricing of organisms for biological
control of pests in Europe.
Biological Control, v.10, n.2, (1997): 143-149. van Lenteren, Joop C.; Isidoro, Nunzio; Bin,
Fernando. 1998. Functional anatomy of the ovipositor clip
in the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma (Thompson) (Hymenoptera:
Eucoilidae), a structure to grip escaping host larvae.International J. of
Insect Morphology and Embryology, v.27, n.3, (July): 263-268. Van Roermund, H J W. 1993. The leaving
tendency of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa foraging for whitefly on tomato
leaflets Sommeijer, M. J. and J. van
der Blom (Ed.). Proc. of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the
Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 4; Fourth Meeting of
Experimental and Applied Entomologists, Ede, Netherlands, December 18, 1992.
x+256p. Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN
90-71912-09-4. Van Roermund, H J W. 1994. The functional
response of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa, searching for whitefly on a
plant. Sommeijer, M. J. and J. van
der Blom (Ed.). Proc. of the Section
Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the Netherlands Entomological
Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 5; Fifth Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 17,
1993. viii+203p. Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
ISBN 90-71912-10-8. 1994. p. 165-172. Van Roermund, H J W. 1995. Simulation of
biological control of greenhouse whitefly with the parasitoid Encarsia
formosa on tomato. Sommeijer, M. J. and P. J. Francke (Ed.). Proc. of the
Section Experimental and Applied Entomol. of the Netherlands Entomological
Society (N.E.V.), Vol. 6; Sixth Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 16,
1994. vii+215p. Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
ISBN 90-71912-11-6. 1995. p. 153-159. Van Roermund, H J W. 1996. Factors
affecting whitefly control by the parasitoid Encarsia formosa in tomato.
Sommeijer, M. J. and P. J. Francke (Ed.). Proc. of the Section Experimental
and Applied Entomol. of the Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.), Vol.
7; Seventh Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands, December 15, 1995. viii+256p.
Netherlands Entomological Society: Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN
90-71912-14-0. 1996. p. 101-108. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C. 1994.
Arrestment of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on leaves
after host encounters. Mededelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en
Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen
Universiteit Gent, v.59, n.2A,: 305-313. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C. 1995a.
Residence times of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa gahan
(Hym., Aphelinidae) on tomato leaflets.
J. of Applied Entomol., v.119, n.7, (1995): 465-471. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C. 1995b.
Foraging behaviour of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on
tomato leaflets. Entomologia
Experimentalis et Applicata, v.76, n.3, (1995): 313-324. Van Roermund, H J W; Hemerik, L; Van Lenteren,
J C. 1994. Influence of intrapatch experiences and temperature on the time
allocation of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera:
Aphelinidae). J. of Insect Behavior,
v.7, n.4, (1994): 483-501. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C;
Rabbinge, R. 1996. Analysis of foraging behavior of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in an experimental arena: A simulation
study. J. of Insect Behavior, v.9,
n.5, (1996): 771-797. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C;
Rabbinge, R. 1997a. Biological control of greenhouse whitefly
with the parasitoid Encarsia formosa
on tomato: An individual-based simulation approach. Biological Control, v.9, n.1, (1997): 25-47. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C;
Rabbinge, R. 1997b. Analysis of foraging behavior of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on a leaf: A simulation study.
Biological Control, v.8, n.1, (1997): 22-36. Van Roermund, H J W; Van Lenteren, J C;
Rabbinge, R. 1997c. Analysis of foraging behaviour of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa
on a plant: A simulation study.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, v.7, n.1, (1997): 131-151. Van Steenis, M J; El-Khawass, K A M H; Hemerik,
L; Van Lenteren, J C. 1996. Time allocation of the parasitoid Aphidius
colemani (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) foraging for Aphis gossypii (Homoptera:
Aphidae) on cucumber leaves. J. of
Insect Behavior, v.9, n.2, (1996): 283-295. Xu, R; Chuo, C; Van Lenteren, J C. 1993.
The Parasite-Host Relationship Between Encarsia-Formosa Gahan Hym.
Aphelinidae and Trialeurodes-Vaporariorum Westwood Hom. Aleyrodidae. J. of Applied Entomol., v.116, n.2,
(1993): 199-211. Lenteren, J.C. van, Y.C. Drost,
H.J.W. van Roermund & C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman, 1997. Aphelinid parasitoids as
sustainable biological control agents in greenhouses. Journal of Applied
Entomology 121: 473-458. Lewis, W.J., J.C. van Lenteren,
S.C. Phatak & J.H. Tumlinson, 1997. A total systems approach to sustainable pest
management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 94:
12243-12248. Pascua, L.T., A. van Huis &
J.C. van Lenteren, 1997. Cotton Bollworm in the Phillipines: a review. Philippine Journal
of Science, 126: 63-85. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1997. Biologically-based crop
protection: major trends for the 21st Century. In: Plant Based
Specialty Products and Biopolymers, L. Andreasen, ed. Nordic Council of
Ministers, Copenhagen, Report NKJ-seminar, 1996: 121-135. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Approaches to biological
control in protected crops and perspectives for the future. Anais do VI
Siconbiol, 24-28 May 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: 254-259. Roermund, H.J.W. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1998. Simulation of whitefly biological control, based on behaviour of
individual parasitoids. In: Population and Community Ecology for Insect
Management and Conservation. Proceedings of the ecology and population
dynamics section of the 20th International Congress of Entomology, Florence,
Italy, 25-31 August, 1996, J Baumgaertner, P. Brandmayr & B.F.J. Manly,
eds. Balkema, Rotterdam: 175-182. Lei, H., J.C. van Lenteren &
W.F. Tjallingii, 1998. Analysis of resistance in tomato and sweet pepper against the
greenhouse whitefly through electrically monitored and visually observed probing
and feeding behavior. International Workshop on Bemisia and Geminiviruses,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7-12 June 1998: 21. Lenteren, J.C. van, Y.C. Drost
& E. Meekes, 1998. Biological control of whitefly: where are the good natural
enemies? International Workshop on Bemisia and Geminiviruses, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, 7-12 June 1998: 78. Lenteren,
J.C. van, N. Isidoro & F. Bin, 1998. Functional anatomy of
the ovipositor clip of the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma
(Thompson) (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae), a structure to grip escaping host
larvae. International Journal of Morphology and Embryology 27: 263-268. Lenteren, J.C.van, 1998. International collaboration
on whitefly IPM: feast or frustration? International Workshop on Bemisia and
Geminiviruses, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7-12 June 1998: 102. Drost, Y.C, & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1998. Life-history of different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci
(Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). International Workshop on Bemisia and
Geminiviruses, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7-12 June 1998: 28. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Is biologische bestrijding
wel zo veilig? Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij 14: 4-6. Drost, Y.C.,
J.C. van Lenteren & H.J.W. van Roermund, 1998.
Life-history parameters of different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera:
Aleyrodidae) in relation to temperature and host plant: a selective review.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 88: 219-229. Parrella, M.P., L.Stengard Hansen
& J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. Glasshouse environments. In: Handbook of Biological Control.
T.S. Bellows & T.W. Fisher, eds. Academic Press, San Diego: 819-839. Lenteren, J.C. van & H.J.W. van
Roermund, 1999. Why is the parasitoid Encarsia formosa so successful in
controlling whiteflies? In "Theoretical Approaches to Biological
Control", B.A. Hawkins & H.V. Cornell, eds. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge: 116-130. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Sustainable and safe crop
protection: a reality. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Universiteit Gent 63(2b): 409-414. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1997. Sting volume 17, Newsletter
on biological control in greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 8
pp. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Sting volume 18, Newsletter
on biological control in greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 32
pp. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. A greenhouse without
pesticides: fact of fantasy? XXV International Horticultural Congress, 2-7
August 1998, Brussels, Belgium. Supplement to abstracts: 2. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1996. Biological control of
whiteflies: a rewarding experience. Anais do V Siconbiol, 9-14 June 1996, Foz
do Iguacu, Brasil: 41-42. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. International organizations on biological control: cooperation
or competition. Anais do V Siconbiol, 9-14 June 1996, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil:
320-321. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Biologische bestrijding is
niet zonder risico’s. Bionieuws 12A, 8: 2-3. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Fundamental knowledge about
insect reproduction is essential to develop sustainable pest management. 8th
International Congress on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 10-14
August 1998, Amsterdam: 26 . Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Sustainable and safe crop
protection: a reality. 50th International Symposium on Crop
Protection, 5 May 1998, Gent, Belgium: 37. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. Gewasbescherming in een
nieuw perspectief. In: Gewasbescherming op Langere Termijn. Symposiumbundel
studenten in de Plantenveredeling en de Gewasbescherming, 4 maart 1998,
Wageningen: 13-16. Lenteren, J.C. van and A.J.M.
Loomans, 1998. Is there a natural enemy good enough for biological control of
thrips? Proceedings 1998 Brighton Crop Protection Conference – Pests and
Diseases 2, pp. 401-408, British Crop Protecton Council, Farnham, UK Lei, H., W.F. Tjallingii & J.C.
van Lenteren, 1998. Probing and feeding characteristics of the greenhouse whitefly
in association with host-plant acceptance and whitefly strains. Entomologia
Experimentalis et Applicata 88: 73-80. Drost, Y.C., Y.T. Qiu, C.J.A.M.
Posthuma-Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. Life-history and oviposition
behavior of Amitus bennetti a parasitoid of Bemisia argentifolii.
Entomologia Experimentalis et
Applicata 90: 183-180. Lei, H., J.C. van Lenteren &
W.F. Tjallingii, 1999. Analysis of resistance in tomato and sweet pepper ag ainst
greenhouse whitefly using electrically monitored and visually observed
probing and feeding behaviour. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 92:
299-309. Albajes, R., Gullino, M.L., van
Lenteren, J.C. & Elad, Y. (eds.), 1999. Integrated Pest and Disease Management in
Greenhouse Crops. Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht: 545 pp. Gullino, M.L., Albajes, R. &
J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. Setting the stage: characteristics of protected cultivation and
tools for sustainable crop protection. In "Integrated Pest and Disease
Management in Greenhouse Crops", R. Albajes, M.L. Gullino, J.C. van
Lenteren & Y. Elad (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht: 1-15. Cuartero, J., H. Laterrot &
J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. Host-plant resistance to pathogens and arthropod pests. In
"Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops", R.
Albajes, M.L. Gullino, J.C. van Lenteren & Y. Elad (eds.). Kluwer
Publishers, Dordrecht: 124-138. Lenteren, J.C. van & Manzaroli,
G., 1999. Evaluation and use of predators and parasitoids for biological
control of pests in greenhouses. In "Integrated Pest and Disease
Management in Greenhouse Crops", R. Albajes, M.L. Gullino, J.C. van
Lenteren & Y. Elad (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht: 183-201. Lenteren, J.C. van & Martin,
N.A., 1999. Biological control of whitefly. In "Integrated Pest and
Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops", R. Albajes, M.L. Gullino, J.C.
van Lenteren & Y. Elad (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht: 202-216. Lenteren, J.C. van & M.G.
Tommasini, 1999. Mass production, storage, shipment and quality control of
natural enemies. In "Integrated Pest and Disease Management in
Greenhouse Crops", R. Albajes, M.L. Gullino, J.C. van Lenteren & Y.
Elad (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht: 276-294. Drost, Y.C., Y.T. Qiu, C.J.A.M.
Posthuma-Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren, 2000. Comparison of searching
strategies of five parasitoid species of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows
& Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 124:
105-112. Driesche, R.G. van, K.M. Heinz,
J.C. van Lenteren, A. Loomans, R. Wick, T. Smith, P. Lopes, J.P. Sanderson,
M. Daughtrey & M. Brownbridge, 1998. Western flower thrips in greenhouses: a review
of its biological control and other methods. University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts: 30 pp. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1999. Fundamental knowledge about
insect reproduction: essential to develop sustainable pest management.
Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 36: 1-15. Sütterlin, S. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1999. Foraging behaviour of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on Gerbera
jamesonii leaves. Journal of Insect Behaviour 12: 105-122. Hatala Zseller, H, Lenteren,
J.C.van, Posthuma-Doodeman, C.J.A.M., 1998. Experience with a short-range flight test for
quality control of Encarsia formosa. Proceedings of International Workshop on
Biological and Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouse Pepper, 10-14 June
1996, Hodmezovasarhely: 95-99. Lenteren, J.C. van (ed.), 1999. Precedings of the IOBC/WPRS
working group "Integrated Control in Glasshouses”. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22
(1) 1999: 294 pp. Lenteren, J.C. van & A. J. M.
Loomans, 1999. Biological control of thrips: how far are we? Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
22 (1) 1999: 141-144. Lenteren, J.C. van, E. Meekes, Yu
Tong Qiu, 1999. Management of whiteflies: new natural enemies and host‑plant
resistance. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22 (1) 1999: 145-148. Loomans, A.J.M. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1999. Evaluating environmental effects of Encarsia species
(Hymenoptera: aphelinidae) introduced for whitefly control in Europe.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22 (1) 1999: 153-156. Manzano, M.R., J. C. van Lenteren,
C. Cardona, 1999. Some biological characteristics of Amitus fuscipennis
MacGown & Nebeker (Hymenoptera : Platygasteridae), parasitoid of the
greenhouse whitefly. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22 (1) 1999: 169-172. Qiu, Yu Tong, Y.C. Drost, O. da
Silva da Graca & J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. Preliminary study on interplant movement and
host location rate of five parasitoids of Bemisia argentifolii in
small greenhouse. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22 (1) 1999: 197-200. Vis, R. De, L.E. Fuentes & J.C.
van Lenteren, 1999. Development of biological control of Trialeurodes
vaporariorum with Encarsia formosa and Amitus fuscipennis
on greenhouse tomato in Colombia. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22 (1) 1999: 267-270. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. State of affairs “Working
Group Integrated Control in Glasshouse”. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 21(7) 1998:
117-119. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1999. Sting volume 19, Newsletter
on biological control in greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 32
pp. Gai Y., R. Stouthamer, R. Xu & J.C. van Lenteren, 1999. A multiplex PCR
to detect Encarsia formosa host-feeding on Bemisia argentifolii.
Journal of Beijing Normal University, Natural Sciences (in press) Jiang N. , R. Xu & J.C. van
Lenteren & H.J.W. van Roermund, 1999. Temporal and spatial analysis of greenhouse
whitefly and its parasitoid Encarsia formosa in two types of
greenhouse ecosystems. Journal of Applied Entomology 123: 547-554. Meekes, E.T.M., S. van Voorst, N.N.
Joosten, J.J. Fransen & J.C. van Lenteren, 2000. Persistence of the fungal
whitefly pathogen, Aschersonia aleyrodis, on three different plant
species. Mycological Research 104: 1234-1240. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1998. From Homo economicus
to Homo ecologicus: towards environmentally safe pest control.
Novenyvedelem (Plant Protection) 34 (13): 3-14. Lenteren, J.C. van, Y.C. Drost,
H.J.W. van Roermund & C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman, 1998. Aphelinid parasitoids as
sustainable biological control agents in greenhouses. Novenyvedelem (Plant
Protection) 34 (13): 15-34. Kraker, J. de, A. van Huis, K.L.
Heong, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1999. Population dynamics of rice
leaffolders (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and their natural enemies in irrigated
rice in the Philippines. Bulletin of Entomological Research 89: 411-422.. Kraker, J.D., A. van Huis, J.C. van
Lenteren, K.L. Heong & R. Rabbinge, 1999. Egg mortality of rice leaffolders Cnaphalocrocis
medinalis and Marasmia patnalis in irrigated rice fields.
BioControl 44:449-471. Loomans, A.J.M. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1999. Do exotic parasitoids introduced for whitefly control endanger
our environment? Global IOBC Symposium Evaluating indirect ecological effects
of biological control, 17-20 October 1999, Montpellier, France. Bulletin
IOBC/WPRS 22(2): 40. Lenteren, J.C. van & A.J.M.
Loomans, 1999. Evaluating environmental effects of Encarsia species
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) for whitefly control in Europe. Global IOBC
Symposium Evaluating indirect ecological effects of biological control, 17-20
October 1999, Montpellier, France. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 22(2): 68. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. A greenhouse without
pesticides: fact of fantasy? Crop Protection 19:375-384. Burgio, G., J.C. van Lenteren &
R. Ferrari, 1999. The complex of parasitoids and predators of arable crops in
Emilia-Romagna region (In Italian). Italus Hortus, 6 (4): 43. Lenteren, J.C. van (ed.), 1996. Precedings of the IOBC/WPRS
working group "Integrated Control in Glasshouses”. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 206 pp. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. Measures of Success in
Biological Control Of Arthropods By Augmentation Of Natural Enemies. In:
Measures of Success in Biological Control, S. Wratten & G. Gurr (eds.).
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: 77-103. Sütterlin, S. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 2000. Pre- and post-landing response of the parasitoid Encarsia
formosa Gahan to whitefly hosts on Gerbera jamesonii. Entomologia
Experimentalis et Applicata 96: 299-307. Lenteren, J.C. van & A.J.M.
Loomans, 2000. Biological control of insects: always safe? Risks of
introduction and release of exotic natural enemies. Proceedings Experimental
and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 11: 3-22. Lenteren, J.C. van, N. Isidoro, R.
Romani & F. Bin, 1999. The multipurpose ovipositor of Leptopilina heterotoma:
relationships between form and function. Atti dell’Accademia Nazionale
Italiana di Entomologia. Rendiconti, Anno XLVII: 265-275. Manzano, M. R.; J. C. van Lenteren;
C. Cardona & Y. C. Drost, 2000. Developmental time, sex ratio and longevity of
Amitus fuscipennis MacGown and Nebeker (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae)
on the greenhouse whitefly. Biological Control 18: 94-100. Lenteren, JC. van, 2000. Selection criteria for
evalution of natural enemies in biological control. In: Controle biologico de
pragas: producao massal e controle de qualidade, V.H.P. Bueno (ed.). Editora
UFLA, Lavras, Brazil (in Portuguese): 1-19. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. Quality control of mass
produced biological control agents: backgrounds, developments and guidelines.
In: Controle biologico de pragas: producao massal e controle de qualidade,
V.H.P. Bueno (ed.). Editora UFLA, Lavras, Brazil (in Portuguese): 21-41. Kraker, J. de, R. Rabbinge, A. van
Huis, J.C. van Lenteren, K.L. Heong, 1999. Impact of nitrogenous-fertilization on the
population dynamics and natural enemies of rice leaffolders (Lep.:
Pyralidae). International Journal of Pest Management 46 (3): 225-235. Mele, P. van & J.C. van
Lenteren, 2000. Habitat manipulation for improved control of citrus leafminer and
citrus red mite in a mixed orchard-ricefield landscape, Mekong Delta,
Vietnam. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Submitted, reveiwed,
under revision by Paul. Tchuanyo, M., A. van Huis &
J.C. van Lenteren, 2000. Distribution, incidence and abundance of the cassava brown root
scale insect, Stictococcus vayssierei, in Cameroon. Tropical Science
40: 20-24. Bueno, V.H.P. & J.C. van
Lenteren, 2000. Augmentation biological control as applied in Latin America.
Abtracts XXIth International Congress of Entomology, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil,
20-26 August: 369. Sampaio, M.V., V.H.P.Bueno &
J.C. van Lenteren, 2000. Host preference of Aphidius colemani Viereck
(Hymenoptera: Aphididae) for Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Aphis
gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Abtracts XXIth International
Congress of Entomology, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 20-26 August: 415. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. A greenhouse without
pesticides: rumour or realism? Proceedings International Symposium on
Biological Control for Crop Protection. Research and Development
Administration. Suwon, Korea, 22-27 February 2000: 117-133. Kraker, J. de, A. van Huis, J.C.
van Lenteren, K.L. Heong, & R. Rabbinge, 2000. Identity and relative
importance of egg predators of rice leaffolders (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Biological Control 19: 215 – 222. Lynch, L.D., H. M. T. Hokkanen, D.
Babendreier, F. Bigler, G. Burgio, Z.-H. Gao, S. Kuske, A. Loomans, I.
Menzler-Hokkanen, M. B. Thomas, G. Tommasini, J. Waage, J. C. van Lenteren,
Q.-Q. Zeng, 2000. Indirect effects in the biological control of arthropods with
arthropods. In: Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control,
E. Wajnberg, J.C. Scott & P.C.
Quimby (eds.). CABI publishing, Wallingford: 99-125. Lei, H., J.C. van Lenteren &
R.M. Xu, 2001. Effects of plant tissue factors in the acceptance of four
greenhouse vegetable host plants by the greenhouse whitefly: an Electrical
Penetration Graph (EPG) study. European Journal of Entomology 98: **** Lenteren, J.C. van, 2001. Fewer
pests, diseases and weeds in biodiverse agro-ecosystems: a fairy-tale?
Newsletter Stimulation Program Biodiversity of NWO (Dutch Scientific
Organization), 3: 5-6. ============== LIST OF Numbered Publications
J.C. van Lenteren,
Laboratory of Entomology, P.O. Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, The Netherlands 001. Eijsackers,
H.J.P. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1970. Host choice and host
discrimination in Pseudeucoila bochei (Hym., Cynip.). Netherlands
Journal of Zoology 20: 414. 002.
J.C. van, 1972. Contact‑chemoreceptors on the ovipositor of Pseudeucoila
bochei Weld (Cynipidae). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 22: 347‑350.
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1972. Results of an interdisciplinary study
on host discrimination in Pseudeucoila bochei Weld (Hym.: Cynipidae):
behavioural, morphological and ecological aspects. Proceedings XIVth
International Congress of Entomology, Canberra, Australia: 167. 004.
K., H.J.P. Eijsackers, J.C. van Lenteren & E. Meelis, 1972. Some
models describing the distribution of eggs of the parasite Pseudeucoila bochei
(Hym.,Cynip.) over its hosts, larvae of Drosophila melanogaster.
Oecologia (Berl.) 10: 29‑57. 005.
M., J.C. van Lenteren & K. Bakker, 1974. Success of parasitization
of Pseudeucoila bochei Weld (Hym., Cynip.): a matter of experience.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology 24: 67‑85. 006.
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1975. Discrimination between parasitised and
unparasitised hosts in the parasitic wasp Pseudeucoila bochei: a
matter of learning. Nature 254, no.5499: 417‑419. 007.
K. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1976. Host-parasitoid interactions in
laboratory systems. Paper XVth International Congress of Entomology
Washington: 22 pp. 008.
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1976. Functional responses in invertebrates.
Netherlands Journal of Zoology 26: 567‑572. 009.
J.C. van, H.W. Nell, L.A. Sevenster‑van der Lelie & J. Woets, 1976.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). I. Host finding by the parasite. Entomologia experimentalis et
applicata 20: 123‑130. 010.
H.W., L.A. Sevenster‑van der Lelie, J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets,
1976. The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). II. Selection of host stages for oviposition and feeding by the
parasite. Journal of Applied Entomology 81: 372‑376. 011.
J.C. van, H.W. Nell, L.A. Sevenster‑van der Lelie & J. Woets, 1976.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). III. Discrimination between parasitized and unparasitized hosts
by the parasite. Journal of Applied Entomology 81: 377‑380 012.
J.C. van, M.H. Eggenkamp‑Rotteveel Mansveld & F.J.M. Ellenbroek,
1976.The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). V. Population dynamics of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Encarsia
formosa in a glasshouse. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1976/4: 125‑137. 013.
J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1976. The parasite‑host relationship
between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). VI. The influence of the host
plant on the greenhouse whitefly and its parasite Encarsia formosa.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1976/4: 151‑164 014.
J.C. van, 1976. The development of host discrimination and the
prevention of superparasitism in the parasite Pseudeucoila bochei
(Hym.: Cynipidae). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 26: 1‑83. 015.
J.C. van, R.W. van der Linden & A. Gluvers, 1976. A borderline
detector for recording locomotory activities of animals. Oecologia (Berl.)
26: 133‑137. 016.
J.C. van & J. Woets, 1977. Development and establishment of
biological control of some glasshouse pests in the Netherlands. In: Pest
Management in Protected Culture Crops, eds. F.F.Smith & R.E.Webb. USDA
AS, ARD‑NE‑85: 81‑87. 017.
J.C. van, J. Woets, N. van der Poel, W. van Boxtel, S. van de Merendonk, R.
van der Kamp, H.W. Nell & L.A. Sevenster‑van der Lelie, 1977.
Biological control of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood)(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by Encarsia formosa Gahan
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in Holland, an example of successful applied
ecological research. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 42/2: 1333‑1342. 018.
J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1977. De kaswittevlieg als plaag op
verschillende groentegewassen onder glas en de biologische bestrijding van de
plaag. Gewasbescherming 8: 9‑10. 019.
Mansveld, M.H., F.J.M. Ellenbroek, J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets, 1978.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). VIII. Comparison and evaluation of an absolute count and a
stratified random sampling programme. Journal of Applied Entomology 85: 133‑140. 020.
J.C. van, K. Bakker & J.J.M. van Alphen, 1978. How to analyse host
discrimination. Ecological Entomology 3: 71‑75. 021.
der Poel, P.J.G. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. Host‑plant
selection by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood)(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 387‑396. 022.
W. van, J. Woets & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. Determination of host‑plant
quality of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), cucumber (Cucumis
sativus L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and paprika (Capsicum
annuum L.) for the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood))(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 397‑408. 023.
J. van, J. Woets & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. Determination of host‑plant
quality of gherkin (Cucumis sativus L.), melon (Cucumis melo
L.) and gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Hook) for the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Westwood)(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Mededelingen van de
Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 409‑420.
S. van de & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. Determination of mortality of
greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)(Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae) eggs, larvae and pupae on four host‑plant species:
eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.),
tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and paprika (Capsicum annuum
L.). Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 421‑429. 025.
P.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. The relationship between host‑plant
leaf structure and parasitization efficiency of the parasitic wasp Encarsia
formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Mededelingen van de Faculteit
der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 431‑440. 026.
J.'t, J. de Jonge, C. Colle, M. Dicke, J.C. van Lenteren & P.M.J.
Ramakers, 1978. Host selection, host discrimination and functional
response of Aphidius matricariae Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a
parasite of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.).
Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit
Gent, 43/2: 441‑453. 027.
R. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1978. Biological characteristics of Dacnusa
sibirica Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), parasite of the tomato
leafminer Liriomyza bryoniae Kalt. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 43/2: 455‑462. 028.
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1978. Behavioural aspects of the functional
response of a parasite (Pseudeucoila bochei Weld) to its host (Drosophila
melanogaster). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 28: 213‑233. 029.
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1979. Hoe zoeken en beoordelen parasieten
hun gastheren? In: Sluipwespen in relatie tot hun gastheren, eds. H. Klomp
& J.T. Wiebes. Pudoc, Wageningen: 111‑143. 030.
K. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1979. Hoe reageren parasieten op de
dichtheid van hun gastheren? In: Sluipwespen in relatie tot hun gastheren,
eds. H. Klomp & J.T. Wiebes. Pudoc, Wageningen: 144‑167. 031.
J.C. van, L.C. Bevelander & A. Gluvers, 1979. A video scanner for
recording locomotory activities of small animals. Netherlands Journal of
Zoology 29: 275‑280. 032.
R.F., J.C. van Lenteren, P.H. Twine, L. Kuenen & T. Unruh, 1979.
Prey or host searching behavior that leads to a sigmoid functional response
in invertebrate predators and parasitoids. Researches in Population Ecology
20: 257‑264. 033.
J.C. van, P.M.J. Ramakers & J. Woets, 1979. The biological control
situation in Dutch glasshouses: problems with Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood), Liriomyza bryoniae Kalt., and Myzus persicae Sulz.
Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit
Gent, 44/1: 117‑126. 034.
J.C. van et al., 1978. Biologie, een oecologische benadering. Leerboek
voor het HAVO en VWO, deel 1. Educaboek, Culemborg: 363 pp. 035.
J.C. van et al., 1979. Biologie, een oecologische benadering. Leerboek
voor het HAVO en VWO, deel 2. Educaboek, Culemborg: 246 pp. 036.
A., R. Zucchi, J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets, 1979. Wanneer kunnen
we mineervlieg biologisch bestrijden? Groenten en Fruit 34/47: 40‑41. 037.
J.C. van, P.M.J. Ramakers & J. Woets, 1980. Biological control of
vegetable pests in greenhouses in the Netherlands. Proceedings International
Symposium on Integrated Control in Agriculture and Forestry. Bulletin
IOBC/WPRS: 498‑499. 038.
J.C. van, P.M.J. Ramakers & J. Woets, 1980. Integrated control of
vegetable pests in greenhouses. In: Integrated control of insect pests in the
Netherlands, eds. A.K.Minks & P.Gruys. Pudoc, Wageningen: 109‑118. 039.
J., P.M.J. Ramakers & J.C. van Lenteren, 1980. Progress report on
development and application of integrated pest control in glasshouses in the
Netherlands with an indication about limiting factors. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
1980, III/3: 247‑257. 040.
A., R. Zucchi, J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets, 1980. Dacnusa
sibirica Telenga and Opius pallipes Wesmael (Hym., Braconidae) in
the control of the tomato leafminer Liriomyza bryoniae Kalt. Bulletin
IOBC/WPRS 1980, III/3: 83‑98. 041.
J.C. van, H.W. Nell & L.A. Sevenster‑van der Lelie, 1980.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). IV. Oviposition behaviour of the parasite, with aspects of host
selection, host discrimination and host feeding. Journal of Applied
Entomology 89: 442‑454. 042.
L.E.M., J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets, 1980. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). IX. A review of the biological
control of the greenhouse whitefly with suggestions for future research. Journal
of Applied Entomology 90: 26‑51. 043.
O.M.B. de & J.C. van Lenteren, 1980. Resistance and glabrousness:
different approaches to develop biological control of two cucumber pests, Tetranychus
urticae and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Proceedings of Eucarpia
meeting on breeding of cucumbers and melons: 28‑32. 044.
J.C. van, 1980. Evaluation of control capabilities of natural enemies:
does art have to become science? Netherlands Journal of Zoology 30: 369‑381.
J.C. van, P.M.J. Ramakers & J. Woets, 1980. World situation of
biological control in greenhouses, with special attention to factors limiting
application. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 45/3: 537‑544. 046.
J.C. van & J. Woets, 1980. Biological control of Trialeurodes
vaporariorum by Encarsia formosa, successes and disappointments.
Proceedings XVIth International Congress of Entomology, Kyoto: 351. 047.
J., P.M.J. Ramakers & J.C. van Lenteren, 1980. Application of
integrated pest management in greenhouses, recent situation and future
policy. Proceedings XVIth International Congress of Entomology, Kyoto: 370. 048.
J.C. van et al., 1980. Biologie, een oecologische benadering. Leerboek
voor het HAVO en VWO, deel 3. Educaboek, Culemborg: 184 pp. 049.
Mansveld, M.H., F.J.M. Ellenbroek & J.C. van Lenteren, 1980. The
greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) and its
parasite Encarsia formosa Gahan: population dynamics and sampling
problems. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 45/3: 545‑553. 050.
J.C. van et al., 1979. Biologie, een oecologische benadering.
Docentenhand-leiding, deel 1. Educaboek, Culemborg: 84 pp. 051. Vet,
L.E.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). X. A comparison of three Encarsia
spp. and one Eretmocerus sp. to estimate their potentialities in
controlling whitefly on tomatoes in greenhouses with a low temperature
regime. Journal of Applied Entomology 91: 327‑348. 052.
J.C. van, 1981. Host discrimination by parasitoids. In:
Semiochemicals: their role in pest control. Eds. D.A. Nordlund, R.L. Jones
& W.J. Lewis. Wiley and Sons, New York: 153‑179. 053.
J.C. van & P. DeBach, 1981. Host discrimination in three
ectoparasites (Aphytis coheni, A. lingnanensis and A. melinus)
of the oleander scale (Aspidiotus nerii). Netherlands Journal of
Zoology 31: 504‑532. 054.
R.J. van der & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XI. Do mechanical barriers of the
host plant prevent successful penetration of the phloem by whitefly larvae
and adults? Journal of Applied Entomology 92: 149‑159 055.
J.C. van & A.W.J. van der Schaal, 1981. Temperature thresholds for
oviposition of Encarsia formosa, E. tricolor and E.
pergandiella in larvae of Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Mededelingen
van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 46/2: 457‑464.
M.J., I. Pirovano & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981. Encarsia
pergandiella, a possible biological control agent for the greenhouse
whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum: a study on intra‑ and
interspecific host selection. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent,46/2: 465‑475. 057.
E.E., N. van der Fluit & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981. Rate of
development and oviposition frequency of Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Encarsia
formosa (two strains) and E. tricolor at low glasshouse
temperatures. Medelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 46/2: 477‑485. 058.
P.C.G., P.H. Smits, P. Vlaming & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981.
Biological control of Lepidopteran pests in cabbage crops by means of
inundative releases of Trichogramma species (T. evanescens
Westwood and T. cacoeciae March): a combination of field and laboratory
experiments. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 46/2: 487‑497. 059. Ponti, O.M.B. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1981. Resistance and
glabrousness: different approaches to biological control of two cucumber
pests, Tetranychus urticae and Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1981/IV/1: 109‑113. 060. Eggenkamp‑Rotteveel Mansveld, M.H., F.J.M. Ellenbroek
& J.C. van Lenteren,1982. The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia
formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XII. Population dynamics of parasite and host in a
large, commercial glasshouse and test of the parasite‑introduction
method used in the Netherlands (first part). Journal of Applied Entomology
93: 113‑130. 061. Eggenkamp‑Rotteveel
Mansveld, M.H., F.J.M. Ellenbroek & J.C. van Lenteren,1982. The
parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XII. Population dynamics of parasite and host in a large,
commercial glasshouse and test of the parasite‑introduction method used
in the Netherlands (first part). Journal of Applied Entomology 93: 113‑130. Eggenkamp‑Rotteveel Mansveld,
M.H., F.J.M. Ellenbroek & J.C. van Lenteren,1982. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XII. Population dynamics of
parasite and host in a large, commercial glasshouse and test of the parasite‑introduction
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Foraging behaviour of Rhagoletis pomonella, a parasite of hawthorn (Crataegus
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H.W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1982. Gastheerdiscriminatie bij Pachycrepoideus
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H. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1982. The parasite‑host relationship
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vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XIII. Effects of low temperatures
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A. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1982. Increasing the number of
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E.M. van der, Y.D. Burggraaf‑van Nierop & J.C. van Lenteren, 1982.
Oviposition frequency, fecundity and life‑span of Encarsia formosa
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Aleyrodidae) and migration capacity of E.formosa at low greenhouse
temperatures. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
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W.J., J.C. van Lenteren & J. Woets, 1983. Developments in
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since 1979. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS VI/3: 36‑48. 069.
J.C. van & P.M. Hulspas‑Jordaan, 1983. Influence of low
temperature regimes on the capability of Encarsia formosa and other
parasites in controlling the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS VI/3: 54‑70. 070.
Y., M. Bouletreau, J.J.M. van Alphen & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986.
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Academic Press, London: 348‑394. 071.
L.E.M., J.C. van Lenteren, M. Heymans & E. Meelis, 1983. An
airflow olfactometer for measuring olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids
and other small insects. Physiological Entomology 8: 97‑106. 072. Gruys,P.,
J.C. van Lenteren, J.E. Parlevliet, P.C. Scheepens & J.C. van Zon, 1985.
Oecologische achtergronden van plagen en hun bestrijding. In: Inleiding tot
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J.C. van, 1983. Biologische bestrijding van plagen: mode of duurzame
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J.C. van, 1983. Potential of entomophagous parasites for pest control.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 10: 143‑158. 075.
M., J.C. van Lenteren, G.J.F. Boskamp & E. van Dongen‑van Leeuwen,
1984. Chemical stimuli playing a role in host‑habitat location
by Leptopilina heterotoma (Thomson)(Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae) a
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M., J.C. van Lenteren, G.J.F. Boskamp & R. van Voorst, 1985.
Intensification and elongation of host searching in Leptopilina heterotoma
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Journal of Chemical Ecology 11: 125‑136. 077.
F.H.D. van, J.C. van Lenteren, J.J.M. van Alphen & K. Bakker, 1983.
Searching for and parasitization of Drosophila melanogaster (Dipt.:
Drosophilidae) by Leptopilina heterotoma (Hym.: Eucoilidae): a Monte
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33: 306‑336 078.
J.C. van & P.M. Hulspas‑Jordaan, 1983. Biological control of
the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) at low
greenhouse temperatures: a summary. Proceedings International Conference on
Integrated Plant Protection, Budapest, 3: 1‑7. 079.
L.P.J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1983. Kairomonal effects on host searching
of Trichogramma evanescens an egg parasite of Pieris brassicae.
Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit
Gent, 48/2:183‑194. 080.
J.C. van & G.A. Pak, 1984. Can we use Trichogramma spp. to
control Lepidopteran pests in cabbage? Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen
Bundesanstalt fuer Land‑ und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin‑Dahlem 218:
119‑135. 081.
L.P.J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. Kairomones for the egg
parasite Trichogramma evanescens Westwood. 1. Effect of volatile
substances released by two of its hosts, Pieris brassicae L. and Mamestra
brassicae L. Journal of Chemical Ecology 11: 781‑791. 082.
L.P.J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. Kairomones for the egg
parasite Trichogramma evanescens Westwood. 2. Effect of contact
chemicals produced by two of its hosts, Pieris brassicae L. and Pieris
rapae L. Journal of Chemical Ecology 11: 793‑800. 083.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Selection of a candidate Trichogramma
sp. strain for inundative releases against Lepidopterous pests of cabbage in
the Netherlands. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 49/3a: 827‑837. 084.
A.M., M.J. van Dijken, M. Kole & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Host‑age
and host‑species selection of three strains of Trichogramma
evanescens Westwood, an egg parasite of several Lepidopteran species.
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Gent, 49/3a: 839‑847. 085.
J.C. van, 1984. Biologische bestrijding van plagen. Landbouwkundig
Tijdschrift 96: 22‑23. 086.
P.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Modelling population growth of
greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) on tomato. Abstract
XVIIth International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg: 295. 087.
Mansveld, M.H. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Large‑scale study
on the population dynamics of whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood) and its parasite Encarsia formosa Gahan. Abstract XVIIth
International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg: 296. 088.
J.C. van & J. Woets, 1984. The use of Encarsia formosa to
control the greenhouse whitefly in Europe. Abstract XVIIth International
Congress of Entomology, Hamburg: 771. 089.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Behavioural varations between Trichogramma
spp. strains, a technique for candidate strain evaluation. Abstract XVIIth
International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg: 800. 090.
J.C. van, 1984. Introduction to the work coordinated by the subgroup
"Ecology and behaviour of Trichogramma". Abstract XVIIth
International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg: 800. 091.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Biological control of
leafminers (Diptera: Agromizidae) on greenhouse tomatoes in the Netherlands.
Abstract XVIIth International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg:803. 092.
G.A., J.C. van Lenteren, O.M.B. de Ponti, J.A.B.M. Theunissen & E.J. de
Jong, 1984. Development of an integrated control program for cabbage
crops in the Netherlands. Abstract XVIIth International Congress of
Entomology, Hamburg: 842. 093.
J.J.M. van, J.C. van Lenteren, H.W. Nell & H. Eebes, 1984. The
response of a polyphagous parasitoid (Leptopilina heterotoma)(Thomson)
to a kairomone produced by one of its hosts (Drosophila melanogaster
Meigen). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 34: 215‑219. 094.
J.C. van, 1986. Evaluation of effectiveness and utilization of natural
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J.C. van, 1983. Biological pest control: passing fashion or here to
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J.C. van, 1985. Signaalstoffen, in het bijzonder kairomonen. Jaarboek
der Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging: 47‑53. 099. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1986. Evaluation, mass production, quality control and release
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J.M.Franz. Series Progress in Zoology 32. Fischer, Stuttgart: 31‑56. 100.
J.C. van, 1987. Integrated Pest Management in Protected Crops in the
Netherlands. In: Integrated and Biological Control in Protected Crops, R.
Cavalloro, ed. Balkema, Rotterdam, 95-104. 101.
S.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. Characterisation of the arrestment
responses of Trichogramma evanescens. Oecologia (Berlin) 68: 265‑270
J.C. van & K. Bakker, 1972. Results of an interdisciplinary study
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Behavioural, morphological nd ecological aspects. 14th
International Congress of Entomology, 22-30 August, Canberra, Australia: 167. 103.
M., J.C. van Lenteren & G.J.C.M. van Vliet, 1985. Integrated Pest
Management in the Greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of Leiden University,
The Netherlands. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 50/2a: 403‑409. 104.
T.C. van, G.A. Pak, S.A. Hassan & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. Four
years results of experimental releases of Trichogramma egg parasites
against lepidopteran pests in cabbage. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 50/2a: 379‑388. 105.
A. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XIV. Genetic and environmental
factors influencing body‑size and number of ovarioles of Encarsia
formosa. Journal of Applied Entomology 101: 321‑331. 106.
L.P.J.J., Xu Rumei & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XVII. Within‑plant movement
of adult greenhouse whiteflies. Journal of Applied Entomology 100: 494‑503.
L.P.J.J., Xu Rumei & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XVIII. Between‑plant
movement of adult greenhouse whiteflies. Journal of Applied Entomology 101:
159‑176. 108.
L.P.J.J., Xu Rumei & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XIX. Feeding‑site selection
by the greenhouse whitefly. Journal of Applied Entomology 101:492-507. 109.
M.J. van, M. Kole, J.C. van Lenteren & A.M. Brand, 1986. Host‑preference
studies with Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hym.,
Trichogrammatidae) for Mamestra brassicae, Pieris brassicae and
Pieris rapae. Journal of Applied Entomology 101: 64‑85. 110.
L.P.J.J., Xu Rumei, M.H. Eggenkamp‑Rotteveel Mansveld & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia
formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XX. Analysis of the spatial distribution of
greenhouse whiteflies in a large greenhouse. Journal of Applied Entomology
102: 484-498. 111.
Rumei, L.P.J.J. Noldus & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host
relationshop between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXI. Simulation models for the
within‑plant vertical movement of adult greenhouse whiteflies. Journal
of Applied Entomology 105: 1-13. 112.
Rumei, L.P.P.J. Noldus & J.C. van Lenteren, 1989. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXII. Simulation models for
between‑plant movement of adult greenhouse whiteflies. Journal of
Applied Entomology 108: 234-244. 113.
Rumei, Chao Chuo & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXIII. Application of different
sampling methods on spatially stabilized adult whitefly populations. Journal
of Applied Entomology 116: 199-211. 114.
J.C. van & N.W. Hussey, 1985. Integrated Pest Control in
Greenhouses: status quo and future. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS, 1986/IX/5: 105-109. 115.
O.M.B. de, J.C. van Lenteren & M.W. Sabelis, 1986. Breeding
cucumbers and tomatoes for improved biological control of whiteflies and
spider mites. Horticultural Science 21: 603. 116.
A. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XV. Oogenesis and oviposition of Encarsia
formosa. Journal of Applied Entomology 101: 130-139. 117.
J.C. van, A. van Vianen, H.F. Gast & A. Kortenhoff, 1987. The
parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XVI. Food effects on oogenesis, oviposition, longevity and
fecundity of Encarsia formosa and other hymenopterous parasites.
Journal of Applied Entomology 103: 69-84. 118. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1986. Parasitoids in the Greenhouse: successes with seasonal
inoculative release systems. In: Insect parasitoids: J.K. Waage & D.J.
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J.C. van, 1987. Biologischer Pflanzenschutz in Gewaechshausern: wohin?
In: Biologischer Pflanzenschutz. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Muenster-Hiltrop:
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O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. Evaluatie van sluipwespen voor
de biologische bestrijding van mineervliegen, Liriomyza bryoniae en L.
trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) bij de teelt van tomaten onder glas.
Gewasbescherming 17,1: 10‑11. 121.
J.C. van, M. Kole & G.J.C.M. van Vliet, 1986. Greenhouse IPM in
the University of Leiden's botanical garden. The IPM Practitioner 8,2: 1‑4.
J.C. van, 1986. Heeft de chemische bestrijding zijn langste tijd
gehad? Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 111, 679-689. 123.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The leafminers Liriomyza
bryoniae and L. trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae), their parasites
and host plants: a review. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers
86-2:1-50. 124.
J.J., K. Winkelman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. Susceptibility of
different stages of glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, to
infection by the funges Aschersonia aleyrodis. Abstract Society for
Invertebrate Pathology, XVIII Meeting, Sault St. Marie, Canada: 29. 125.
J.C. van, 1985. Plaagbestrijding anders: meer dan kunst- en vliegwerk?
Inaugurele rede, Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen: 37pp. 126.
P.M., E.E. Christochowitz, J. Woets & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. The
parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinide) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XXIV. Effectiveness of Encarsia formosa in the
greenhouse at low temperatures. Journal of Applied Entomology 103: 368-378. 127.
Zhao hua, F. Lammes, J.C. van Lenteren, P.W. Huisman, A. van Vianen &
O.M.B. de Ponti, 1987. The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia
formosa (Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXV. Influence of leaf structure on the searching
activity of Encarsia. Journal of Applied Entomology 104: 297 – 304. 128.
J.C. van, 1980. Vindt er in Europa onderzoek aan biologische
bestrijding van plagen plaats? Vakblad voor Biologen 60: 130+136. 129.
J.C. van, 1986. Biologische bestrijding van plagen: geen sprookje maar
realiteit. Vakblad voor Biologen 66: 196. 130. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1983, 1985. In memoriam J. de Wilde. Newsletter I.O.B.C. and
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Colorado Potato Beetle, XVIIth
Internatonal Congress of Entomology, D.F. Ferro & R.H. Voss, eds.
Research Bulletin Univ. Massachusetts at Amherst, No. 704: IV‑V 131.
J.C. van, 1985. In memoriam H. Klomp. Wagenings Hogeschoolblad. 132.
F.A.N. van, G.A. Pak, S.A. Hassan & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986.
Experimental releases of Trichogramma spp. against lepidopteran pests
in a cabbage field crop in The Netherlands in 1985. Mededelingen van de
Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 51: 1017-1028. 133. Lenteren,
J.C. van, Li Zhao hua & J.W. Kamerman, 1995. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXVI. Leaf hairs reduce the capacity
of Encarsia to control greenhouse whitefly on cucumber. Journal of
Applied Entomology 119: 553-559. 134.
A. van, Xu Rumei & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXVII. Feeding‑site
selection by the greenhouse whitefly on different host-plant species. Journal
of Applied Entomology 105: 149-153. 135.
A. van, Xu Rumei & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXVIII. The influence of whitefly
densities and temperature on the horizontal distribution of greenhouse
whiteflies. Journal of Applied Entomology 105: 436-449. 136.
J.J., K. Winkelman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. The differential
mortality of various life stages of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), by infection with the
entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis (Deuteromycotina:
Coelomycetes). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 50: 158-165. 137.
J.C. van, 1987. Plaagbehersing in kasteelten. Landbouwkundig
Tijdschrift, 99: 25-29. 138.
J.C. van, J. Woets, P. Grijpma, S.A. Ulenberg & O.P.J.M. Minkenberg, 1987.
Invasions of pest and beneficial insects in The Netherlands. Proceedings
Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Ser. C. 90: 51-58. 139.
J.C. van & O.P.J.M. Minkenberg, 1986. Evaluation program for
determination of the biological control capacity of fly parasites.
Proceedings First International Congress of Dipterology, Budapest, Hungary:
139. 140.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. The innate capacity for
increase as an evaluation criterion for selecting parasites for biological
control of dipteran leafminers. Proceedings First International Congress of
Dipterology: 162. 141.
J.C. van, ed., 1986. Proceedings of Symposium on “Trichogramma and
other egg parasitoids”, 17th International Congress of Entomology,
Hamburg, 21-22 August 1984 : 88 pp. 142.
G.A., L.P.J.J. Noldus, F.A.N. van Alebeek & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988.
The use of Trichogramma egg parasites in the inundative biological
control of lepidopterous pests of cabbage in The Netherlands. Ecological
Bulletins 39: 111-113. 143.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Evaluation of parasitic wasps
for seasonal inoculative control of leafminers, Liriomyza spp. on
glasshouse tomatoes. CEC report of grant no. NL-1911: 15 pp. 144.
J.C. van, 1989. Evaluation methods for selection of natural enemies
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Crops", R. Cavalloro & C. Pelerents (eds.). Luxembourg, Office for
Official Publications of the European Community; Agriculture DG VI: 47-66. 145.
J.C. van, 1989. World survey of IPM in greenhouses. In:
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& C. Pelerents (eds.). Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of
the European Community; Agriculture DG VI: 9-17. 146.
P. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Telenomus nitidulus
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salicis (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). In: Trichogramma and other
egg parasites. J. Voegele, J.K. Waage & J.C. van Lenteren, eds. INRA,
Paris, 43: 181-189. 147.
J.C. van & P.M. Hulspas-Jordaan, 1987. Encarsia formosa can
control greenhouse whitefly at low temperature regimes. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
1987/X/2: 87-91. 148.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1985. The use of Trichogramma egg
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cabbage in The Netherlands. Symposium on Insect Parasitoids, London, U.K.:
8pp. 149.
L.P.J.J., W.J. Lewis, J.H. Tumlinson & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988.
Olfactometer and windtunnel experiments on the role of sex pheromones of
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and other egg parasites. J. Voegele, J.K. Waage & J.C. van Lenteren, eds.
INRA, Paris, 43: 223-238. 150.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Criteria and methods for the
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INRA, Paris, 43: 433-442. 151.
J.C. van, 1987. Environmental manipulation advantageous to natural
enemies of pests. In: Integrated Pest Management: Quo Vadis? V. Delucchi, ed.
Parasitis 1986 Symposium Book, Geneve, Switzerland: 123-166. 152.
J.C. van, P.M. Hulspas-Jordaan, Li Zhao Hua & O.M.B. de Ponti, 1987.
Leaf hairs, Encarsia formosa and biological control of whitefly on
cucumber. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2: 92-96. 153.
J.C. van, 1987. World situation of biological control in greenhouses
and factors limiting use of biological control. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2:
82-86. 154.
J.C. van, 1987. Evaluation of natural enemies prior to introduction.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2: 188-192. 155.
Rumei, P.W.T. Huisman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Parasitism of
whitefly by Encarsia formosa at different parasite release ratio's.
Bull. IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2:188-192. 156.
A. van, Cs. Budai & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Suitability of two strains
of sweet pepper, Capsicum annuum L. for the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Westwood) in Hungary. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2: 174-179. 157.
L.P.J.J., J.C. van Lenteren & Xu Rumei, 1987. Movement of adult
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for the development of spatial distribution patterns. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
1987/X/2: 134-138. 158.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Evaluation of parasitic wasps
for the biological control of leafminers, Liriomyza spp., in
greenhouse tomatoes. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1987/X/2: 116-120. 159.
J.C. van, 1987. Biologische bestrijding van plagen, het einde van de
chemische bestrijding? Chemisch Magazine, April 1987: 249-251. 160. Minkenberg,
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1986. Restrictions in development
and application of biological control methods. Abstract EC experts meeting on
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O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Evaluatie van sluipwespen voor
de biologische bestrijding van mineervliegen, Liriomyza bryoniae en L.trifolii
(Diptera: Agromyzidae), bij de teelt van tomaten onder glas. Gewasbescherming
18, 4: 15. 162.
J.C. van & A. Bal, 1987. Ecologische gewasbescherming:
geintegreerde bestrijding van plagen. Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting,
Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer: 40 pp. 163.
A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Integrated pest management in The
Netherlands: practice, policy and opportunities for the future. Mededelingen
van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 52/a:
385-393. 164.
J.C. van, 1987. How to exploit biological diversity to improve
biological pest control? Commission for the European Communities, Dublin,
Ireland: 14 pp. 165.
J.C. van & J. Woets, 1988. Biological and Integrated Pest Control
in Greenhouses. Annual Review of Entomology 33: 239-269. 166.
J.C. van, 1987. World survey of IPM in greenhouses. Chinese Journal of
Biological Control 3: 142-144 (in Chinese). 167.
B., L. Stengard Hansen & J.C. van Lenteren (eds.), 1987.
Proceedings of the working group "Integrated Control in
Glasshouses", Budapest. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1986/10/2: 202 pp. 168.
J.C. van & J. Woets (eds.), 1980. Proceedings of the working group
"Integrated Control in Glasshouses", Vantaa. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
1980/III/3: 257 pp. 169.
J.C. van, 1988. Book review: Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest
Management in Practice (M. Kogan, ed.). Entomologia experimentalis et
applicata 46: 201-202. 170.
J.C. van, 1987. Alternatieven voor het gebruik van chemische
bestrijdingsmiddelen. Samenvattingen van het NTV-OK symposium "25 jaar
na Silent Spring van R. Carson": 6. 171.
J.C. van, 1988. Moeder natuur levert ons de beste
bestrijdingsmiddelen. Panda, Wereldnatuurfonds, 24, 3: 7-9. 172.
E., J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1988. Model simulation of
population dynamics of the greenhouse whitefly. Abstract Meeting Japanese
Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (in Japanese). 173.
J.A.M., W.F. Tjallingii & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Stylet
penetration by the greenhouse whitefly: a comparison with aphids. 40th
International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium, Summaries: 57. 174.
P.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1989. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXX. Modelling population growth
of greenhouse whitefly on tomato. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers,
89.2: 1-54. 175.
E., J.C. van Lenteren, R. Rabbinge & P.M. Hulspas-Jordaan, 1989.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XXXI. Simulation studies of the population growth of greenhouse
whitefly on tomato.Wageningen Agricultural University Papers, 89.2: 55-73. 176.
E., J.C. van Lenteren, R. Rabbinge, A. van Vianen & R. Dorsman, 1989.
The parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XXXII. Simulation studies of the population growth of
greenhouse whitefly on eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper and gerbera.
Wageningen Agricultural University Papers, 89.2: 75-100. 177.
J.C. van & L.P.J.J. Noldus, 1988. Host-plant selection and
host-plant preference in whiteflies. Proc. XVIII Int. Congr. Entomology,
Vancouver, Canada: 319. 178.
J.C. van, 1988. Why is integrated pest control in floriculture in
greenhouses so unpopular? Proceedings XVIIIth International Congress of
Entomology, Vancouver, Canada: 331. 179. Lenteren,
J.C. van (ed.), 1988. Biological and integrated control of pests in
ornamental plants and flower crops. Proceedings of a meeting of the working
group "Integrated Control in Glasshouses", Aalsmeer, The
Netherlands. Bulletin IOBC/XII/3: 66 pp. 180.
J.C. van & O.M.B. de Ponti, 1988. Vermindering van beharing op
komkommer om de biologische bestrijding van witte vlieg te verbeteren.
Samenvatting CPRO workshop 1p. 181.
J.C. van, 1993. Gevleugelde vrienden en vijanden: entomologie in
Wageningen. Eerste Almanak van studenten in de Plantenveredeling en
Gewasbescherming “Optima Flora”, Ponsen en Looijen: 19-22. 182.
J.C van, 1988. Implementation of biological control. American Journal
of Alternative Agriculture, 3: 102-109. 183.
J.C. van & M. van de Vrie, 1988. Eerste internationale workshop
over biologische bestrijding van plagen in sierteeltgewassen in sierteelten.
Gewasbescherming 19: 93-94. 184.
L.H.H. van, O.P.J.M.Minkenberg & J.C. van Lenteren, 1984. Host
searching and host selection by the parasitic wasp Chrysocharis parksi,
a parasite of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae (in Dutch).
Vakblad voor Biologen 64 (19): 428. 185.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Optimal host selection in the egg
parasite Trichogramma. Parasitoid insects, Lyon, September 7-10, 1987.
INRA, Les Colloques de l'INRA 48: 63-65. 186.
J.C. van, 1989. Biological control by augmentation. Vedalia symposium
on Biologcial Control: A Century of Success, March 27-30, Riverside,
California: 33. 187.
C.A.J., O.P.J.M. Minkenberg, G.P.A. Bot, R.Rabbinge & J.C. van Lenteren,
1987. Population dynamics of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza
bryoniae, and a parasitic wasp, Diglyphus isaea, in climate room,
greenhouse and computer. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 37: 427. 188.
J., J. Waage & J.C. van Lenteren (eds.), 1988. Trichogramma
and other egg parasites. INRA, Paris, 43: 644 pp. 189.
L.P.P.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Host-parasitoid population
dynamics in a greenhouse ecosystem. Proceedings XVIIIth International
Congress of Entomology, Vancouver, Canada: 159. 190.
G.A., J.C. van Lenteren & N. Hawlitzky, 1988. Relationship between
host selection and host suitability in the egg-parasite Trichogramma
(Hym.: Trichogrammatidae). Proceedings XVIIIth International Congress of
Entomology, Vancouver, Canada: 346. 191.
J.C. van, 1988. Evaluating the effectiveness of natural enemies. In:
Ecology and Effectiveness of Aphidophaga III. E. Niemczyk and A.F.G. Dixon
eds. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague: 175-181. 192.
O.M.B. de, J.C. van Lenteren & M.W. Sabelis, 1988. Half-haired
cucumbers and trichomeless tomatoes for improved biological control of the
glasshouse whitefly and the two spotted spider mite. Proceedings of the
working group Eucarpia/IOBC "Breeding for Resistance to Insects and
Mites", Hundested, Denemarken, 1986. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1988/XI/3:
22-23. 193.
L.P.J.J., J.C. van Lenteren & W.J. Lewis, 1987. The role of
volatile semiochemicals in host-community location by egg parasitoids.
Abstract for European Workshop on Parasitoid Insects, Lyon, France, 1p. 194.
G.A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1987. Optimal host selection in the egg
parasite Trichogramma. Abstract for European Workshop on Parasitoid
Insects, Lyon, France, 1p. 195.
J.A.M., W.F. Tjallingii & J.C. van Lenteren, 1989. Electrical
recording and ultrastructure of stylet penetration by the greenhouse
whitefly. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 52: 69-81. 196.
J.C. van & L.P.J.J. Noldus, 1990. Whitefly-plant relationships: behavioural and ecological aspects.
In: Whiteflies: Their Bionomics, Pest Status and Management, D. Gerling, ed.
Intercept Ltd., Andover, Hants: 47-89. 197.
L.P.J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Host aggregation and
parasitoid behaviour: biological control in a closed system. In : Critical
Issues in Biological Control, M. Mackauer, L.E. Ehler & J. Roland, eds.
Intercept Ltd, Andover, Hants: 229-262. 198.
J.C. van, 1989. World situation of integrated pest management in
greenhouses. Proceedings of a symposium on: "Insect Control Strategies
and the Environment", 17 February 1989, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ICI,
Fernhurst, Surrey: 32-50. 199.
J.C. van & J.C. Woets, 1978-1988. Sting volumes 1-9, Newsletter on
biological control in greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University. 200.
J.C. van, 1990. Implementation and commercialization of biological
control in West Europe. International Symposium on Biological Control
Implementation, McAllen, Texas 4-6 April 1989, NAPPO Bulletin 6: 50-70. 201.
J.A.M., W.F. Tjallingii & J.C. van Lenteren, 1988. Stylet
penetration by the greenhouse whitefly. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der
Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 53/3a: 1149-1151. 202.
M., J.C. van Lenteren, A.K. Minks & L.M. Schoonhoven (eds.), 1989.
Abstract volume International Symposium "Semiochemicals and Pest
Control: Prospects for New Applications. Wageningen Agricultural University:
36 pp. 203.
L.P.J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1989. Measuring host preference of Trichogramma
egg parasites: an evaluation of direct and indirect methods. First programme
"Science and Technology for Development", CEC, DG XII; Technincal
Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EEC, Lome Convention, Ede:
300-302. 204.
J.C. van, 1990. Panorama mondiale della lotta integrata in Serra.
Proceedings of an International Conference "Alternative methods for
Plant Protection", K.V. Deseo-Kovacs, ed. (in Italian). 3 June 1989,
Cesena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Filograf Litografia, Forli: 39-63. 205.
J.C. van & O.M.B. de Ponti, 1990. Plant-leaf morphology,
host-plant resistance and biological control. Proceedings 7th International
Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships. 3-8 June 1989, Budapest, Hungary;
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Synp. Biol. Hung. 39: 365-386. 206.
L.P.J.J., J.C. van Lenteren & W.J. Lewis, 1990. How Trichogramma
parasitoids use moth sex pheromones as kairomones: orientation behaviour in a
wind tunnel. Physiological Entomology 16: 313-327. 207.
J.C. van, A. van Vianen, I. Hatala-Zseller & Cs. Budai, 1989. The
parasite‑host relationship between Encarsia formosa
(Hymonoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera:
Aleyrodidae). XXIX. Suitability of two cultivars of sweet pepper, Capsicum
annuum L., for two different strains of whiteflies. Journal of Applied
Entomology 108: 113-130. 208.
J.C. van, 1990. State of affairs in Integrated Control in Glasshouses.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/9: 108-111. 209.
G.A., T.G. van Heiningen, F.A.N. van Alebeek, S.A. Hassan & J.C. van
Lenteren, 1989. Experimental inundative releases of different strains
of the egg parasite Trichogramma in Brussels sprouts. Netherlands
Journal of Plant Pathology 95: 129-142. 210.
J.C. van, 1990. A century of biological control in West Europe.
Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, Netherlands Entomological
Society, Amsterdam: 3-12. 211.
P., J.C. van Lenteren & L.M. van Sonderen, 1990. Host specificity
and oviposition behaviour of Telenomus nitidulus (Hymenoptera:
Scelionidae), egg parasite of the satin moth, Leucoma salicis
(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Proceedings Conferencce on Population Dynamics
of Forest Insects, Edinburgh, September 1989. 212.
J.C. van, 1990. De vakgroep Entomologie. In: Jubileumboek
Studentenvereniging Planteziektenkunde, Ponsen en Looijen, Wageningen: 90-93. 213.
L.E.M., W.J. Lewis, D.R. Papaj and J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. A
variable-response model for parasitoid foraging behaviour. Journal of Insect
Behavior, 3: 471-490. 214.
W.J., L.E.M. Vet, J.H. Tumlinson, J.C. van Lenteren & D.R. Papaj, 1990.
Variations in parasitoid foraging behavior: essential element of a sound
biological control theory. Environmental Entomology 19: 1183-1193. 215.
J.C. van, 1989. Plant-leaf morphology, host-plant resistance and
biological control. Abstract 7th International Symposium on Insect-Plant
Relationships, Budapest 3-7 July 1989, Hungary: 19. 216.
J.C. van, 1990. El manejo integrado de plagas en invernaderos; estado
actual, restricciones y futuro. Proceedings Feria Tecnica de la Horticultura
Intensiva, Mataro - Barcelona, 9-11 February 1990: 9-21 (in Spanish). 217.
J., G.J. Brueren & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Can Bemisia tabaci
be controlled with Encarsia formosa? Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5:
32-35. 218.
J.C. van, 1990. Integrated pest and disease management in protected
crops: the inescapable future. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 91-99 219.
A. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Hymenopterous parasites as
biological control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Perg.)?
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 109-114. 220.
G., I. Hatala-Zseller & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Host-plant
quality of three Hungarian sweet pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.)
for the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)).
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 120-123. 221.
O.P.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Evaluation of parasitoids for
the biological control of leafminers on glasshouse tomatoes. Bulletin
IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 124-128. 222.
H.J.W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Simulation of the population dynamics
of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum and the
parasitoid Encarsia formosa. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 185-189. 223.
S., J.C. van Lenteren & J.J. Fransen, 1990. Dispersal of the
greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, on the rosette plant Gerbera.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 205-208. 224.
D.C. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. The population genetics of host
plant adaptation of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) on four
different horticultural crops. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/5: 215-217. 225.
H., J. Bennison & J.C. van Lenteren (eds.), 1990. Biological and
Integrated Pest Control in Greenhouses. Proceedings Working Group
"Integrated Control in Glasshouses", Copenhagen, 4-8 June 1990, Denmark.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 1990/XIII/6: 227 pp. 226.
F.L. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Alterntieven voor de chemisch
bestrijding in de Nederlandse Akker- en Tuinbouw. Ministerie VROM, Den Haag:
59 pp. 227.
M., A.K. Minks, J.C. van Lenteren & L.M. Schoonhoven, eds., 1990.
Semiochemicals and Pest Control: Prospects for New Applications. Journal of
Chemical Ecology 11: 3015-3212. 228.
J.C. van, 1991. Insects, Man and the Environment: Who will survive?
In" Environmental Concerns: An Inter-disciplinary Exercise", J.Aa.
Hansen, ed. Elsevier, London: 191-210. 229.
J.C. van, 1990. Biological control in a tritrophic system approach.
In: "Aphid-Plant Interactions: Populations to Molecules"; D.C.
Peters, J.A. Webster & C.S. Chlouber, eds. Proceedings International
Symposium, 12-17 August, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USDA/ARS - Oklahoma State
University, MP-112: 3-28. 230.
F.A.N. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Integrated pest management
for protected vegetable cultivation in the Near East. FAO Plant Production
and Plant Protection Paper 1114. FAO, Rome: 148 pp. 231.
J.C. van, 1990. Integrated Pest Management: from Service to Science.
Proceedings CGIAR Science Day, Mid-term meeting 1990, The Hague and
Wageningen; Wageningen Agricultural University: 7 pp. 232.
J.C. van, 1990. Sting volume 10, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 12 pp. 233.
F.A.N. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Integrated Pest Management for
Vegetables grown under Protected Cultivation in the Near East. FAO and
Wageningen Agricultural University, Part 1: Report: 35 pp., Part 2: Annexes:
67 pp. 234.
W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. Natural Enemies of Jacobiasca
lybica (De Berg): a literature survey. Proceedings Experimental and
Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 2: 208-213. 235.
S., G.J. van der Mey & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. Distribution in
space and time of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) on Gerbera:
does host-plant architecture influence the dispersal and distribution of
whitefly? Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam,
2: 115-120. 236.
P., J.C. van Lenteren & L.M. van Sonderen, 1991. Host specificity
and oviposition behaviour of Telenomus nitidulus, egg parasite of the
satin moth, Leucoma salicis. Proceedings Experimental and Applied
Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 2: 169-170. 237.
T., O.P.J.M. Minkenberg, J. Takabayashi, M. Dicke & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990.
Foraging for patchily-distributed leaf miners by the parasitic wasp, Dacnusa
sibirica. Researches on Population Ecology 32: 381-389. 238.
J.C. van, 1991. Sting volume 11, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 45 pp. 239.
J.C. van, 1991. Encounters with parasitized hosts: to leave or not to
leave a patch? Netherlands Journal of Zoology 41: 144-157. 240.
O.P.J.M., & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. Zijn er criteria voor
selectie van sluipwepsen bij biologische bestrijding? Gewasbescherming 22:
10-16. 241.
W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. Natural enemies of Jacobiasca
(Empoasca) lybica (Homoptera: Cicadellidae): a review with an annotated
bibliography. FAO and Wageningen Agricultural University: 54 pp. 242.
J.C. van, 1991. Biologische bestrijding van plagen: mode of duurzame
methode. Symposia Nieuwe Technologie in de Agrarische Sector: Productie,
Bereiding en Conservering. Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming, Den Haag:
17-19. 243.
M., & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. Nederlandse landbouw heeft behoefte
aan "groene deskundigen". Dagblad Trouw, 16-1-1991: 11. 244.
G.A., & J.C. van Lenteren, 1990. Biological pest control in Dutch
greenhouses: a success story? Abstract Congress Agriculture and Environment
in Eastern Europe and the Netherlands, 5-6 September 1990, Wageningen: 1 pp. 245.
D.C., P.W.T. Huisman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991. A study of
host-plant adaptation in the glasshouse whitefly (Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Westwood)). Proceedings Experimental and Applied
Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 2: 121-122. 246.
J.C. van, 1991. Biologische bestrijding van plagen. Cahiers
Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 15, 2: 43-50. 247.
M., J.C. van Lenteren, L.P.J.J. Noldus & L.E.M. Vet, 1991.
Natuurlijke vijanden van insekten komen planten te hulp. Cahiers
Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij 15, 2: 51-52. 248.
J.C. van, 1991. Lotta biologica e integrata in Europa: risultate e
problemi. Abstract Conference on "Technical-organizing aspects in the
integrated fruit and vegetable production", Cesena, Italy, 4 October
1991: 2 pp. 249.
J.C. van, 1991. Metodi alternativi per un'agricoltura economicamente
sostenibile: il futuro dell' Europa? Abstract Conference on "
Experiences of agricultural production through biological methods",
Cesena, Italy, 3 October 1991: 2 pp. 250.
H.E. van de, M.W. Sabelis, T.A.M.M. Cuypers & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991.
Niet chemische en chemische alternatieven voor prioritaire
gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Ministerie van VROM, D.G. Miliebeheer/ Directie
Stoffen en Risicobeheersing: 279 pp. 251.
J.C. van, E. van der Meijden, 1991. Kees Bakker, professor of animal
ecology at the University of Leiden, 1970-1991. Netherlands Journal of
Zoology 41: 83-84. 252.
J.C. van, 1991. Het Meerjarenplan Gewasbescherming: een Tijdbom of een
Zegen. Om de toekomst van de Landbouw, Beleid en Universiteit 2, Werkgroep
Lanbouwpolitiek, Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen: 70-76. 253.
H.E. van de, T.A.M.M. Cuijpers, J.C. van Lenteren & M.W. Sabelis, 1991.
Pestbase: a relational database for the evaluation of alternatives for
environmentally harmful pesticides. Danish Journal of Plant and Soil Science
85: 57-62. 254.
J.C. van, 1991. Quality control of natural enemies: hope or illusion?
Proceedings 5th workshop Global IOBC working group "Quality control of
mass reared organisms”, F. Bigler ed. Wageningen, 25-26 March 1991: 1-14. 255.
J.C. van & S. Steinberg, 1991. A preliminary list of criteria for
quality control of beneficial arthropods used commercially in greenhouse
crops. Proceedings 5th workshop Global IOBC working group "Quality
control of mass reared organisms”, F. Bigler ed. Wageningen, 25-26 March
1991: 195-199. 256.
J.C. van, P. Szabo & P.W.T. Huisman, 1992. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXXVII. Adult emergence and initial
dispersal pattern of E. formosa. Journal of Applied Entomology 114:
392-399. 257.
A.J.M., I. Silva & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Ceranisus menes
(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a potential biological control agent of Frankliniella
occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Proceedings Experimental and
Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 3: 40-45. 258.
G., S. Sütterlin & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Distribution in space
and time of Encarsia formosa Gahan on the ornamental plant Gerbera;
first experiments. Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V.
Amsterdam, 3: 25-30. 259.
Sütterlin. J. van Rijsoort & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Does the
leaf surface of a Gerbera plant influence the searching behaviour of
the parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa?Proceedings Experimental and
Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 3: 19-24. 260.
J.C. van, 1992. Biological control in greenhouses: an overview.
Arabian Journal of Plant Protection 10 (1): 35-43. 261.
J.C. van, 1991. The role of the leaf surface in tritrophic
interactions. In: Insect Parasitoids, F. Bin, ed. Proceedings 4th European
Workshop, Perugia, 3-5 April 1991. Redia, LXXIV, 3, Appendice: 95-103. 262.
H.J.W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXXIV. Life-history parameters of
the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum as a function of
host plant and temperature. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers 92.3:
1-102. 263.
H.J.W. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. The parasite‑host
relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trialeurodes
vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). XXXV. Life-history parameters of
the greenhouse whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa as a function of
host stage and temperature. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers 92.3:
103-147. 264.
J.C. van, 1992. Parasite-Host Relationships and Biological Control in
Greenhouses. In "Ecological Processes in Agro-Ecosystems", M.
Shiyomi (ed.). Yokendo Ltd., Tokyo: 107-119. 265.
J.C. van, 1992. Insect invasions: origins and effects. In: Ecological
Effects of Genetically Modified Organisms. Netherlands Ecological Society,
Amsterdam: 59-80. 266.
J.C. van & G.A. Pak, 1992. Biological control in Dutch
greenhouses: a success story? Proceedings Agriculture & Environment in
Eastern Europe and the Netherlands, 5-6 September 1990, Wageningen
Agricultural University: 265-275. 267.
H. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Aspects of economic thresholds of
insect pests in cotton: an annotated bibliography. FAO and Wageningen
Agricultural University: 100 pp. 268.
H.E. van de, T.A.M.M. Cuijpers, J.C. van Lenteren & M.W. Sabelis, 1992.
The evaluation of alternatives for environmentally harmful pesticides in The
Netherlands. Resistant Pest Management Newsletter, 1992, 4, 1: 29-31. 269.
J.C. van, 1992. Onbegrip voor biologische bestrijding van onkruiden.
Gewasbescherming 23 (2): 42-43. 270.
J.C. van, A.K. Minks & O.M.B. de Ponti, 1991. Conclusions and
Recommendations. Conference "Biological Control and Integrated Crop
Protection: towards environmentally safer agriculture", 8-13 September
1991, Veldhoven, the Netherlands; IOBC/WPRS Publication: 32 pp. 271.
N.A., R.D. Ball, L.P.J.J. Noldus & J.C. van Lenteren, 1991.
Distribution of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) and Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera,
Aphelinidae) in a greenhouse tomato crop: implications for sampling. New
Zealand Journal of Crop Horticultural Science 19: 283-290. 272.
J.C. van, 1992. Sting volume 12, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 12 pp. 273.
J.C. van, 1992. Integrated pest management in the Netherlands
Antilles: environmentally safer pest management. Stichting ABC Advies,
Berlicum: 10 pp. 274.
J.C. van, A.K. Minks & O.M.B. de Ponti, eds., 1992. Biological
Control and Integrated Crop Protection: towards environmentally safer
agriculture. Pudoc, Wageningen: 239 pp. 275.
J.C. van, A.K. Minks & O.M.B. de Ponti 1992. Introduction to
"Biological Control and Integrated Crop Protection: towards
environmentally safer agriculture". Pudoc, Wageningen: 7-9. 276.
J.C. van, M. Benuzzi, G. Nicoli & S. Maini 1992. Biological
control in protected crops in Europe. In: "Biological Control and
Integrated Crop Protection: towards environmentally safer agriculture"
J.C. van Lenteren, A.K. Minks & O.M.B. de Ponti, eds. Pudoc, Wageningen:
77-89. 277.
S., A. van Leest & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Biological control of
the greenhouse whitefly on the ornamental Gerbera jamesonii: how does Encarsia
formosa behave in a patch? Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(8) 1993: 141-144. 278.
H.J.W. van, L. Hemerik & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Influence of
intra-patch experiences and temperature on the time allocation of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae).
Journal of Insect Behavior 7: 483-501. 279.
J.C. van, 1994. Oviposition behavior of Aphytis (Hymenoptera,
Chalcidoidea, Aphelinidae), parasitoids of armoured scale insects (Homoptera,
Coccoidea, Diaspididae). In: "Advances in the Study of Aphytis"
D. Rosen ed. Intercept, Andover: 13-39. 280.
J.C. van, 1993. Biological control in protected crops: where do we go?
Pesticide Science 36: 321-327. 281.
J.C. van, 1993. Biological control and integrated pest management in
glasshouses: a commercial success. Pesticide Science 37: 430-432. 282.
J.C. van, 1995. Frequency and consequences of insect invasions. In:
Biological Control: Benefits and Risks. H.M.T. Hokkanen & J.M. Lynch,
eds. Cambridge University Press: 30-43. 283. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1993. Improving the reliability of biological control by
applying quality control of natural enemies. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 85-88. 284.
J.C. van, 1993. Quality control for natural enemies used in
greenhouses. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 89-92. 285.
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Functional response of Encarsia
formosa. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 141-144. 286. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1992. Pre-introductory evaluation criteria: different
approaches for different types of biological control. H.S. Smith Invitational
Lecture Series, University of California, Riverside, Department of
Entomology, 31 August 1992: 10 pp. 287.
J.C. van, 1992. Augmentative biological control: why does it fail so
often, what is it's future? H.S. Smith Invitational Lecture Series,
University of California, Riverside, Department of Entomology, 1 September
1992: 9 pp. 288.
J.C. van, 1992. Biological control and IPM in Europe: state of the art
and reasons for a bright future. H.S. Smith Invitational Lecture Series,
University of California, Riverside, Department of Entomology, 2 September
1992: 17 pp. 289.
J.C. van, 1992. Biological control and IPM in greenhouses. H.S. Smith
Invitational Lecture Series, University of California, Riverside, Department
of Entomology, 16 September 1992: 12 pp. 290.
J.C. van, 1992. Behavioural ecological research and biological
control. H.S. Smith Invitational Lecture Series, University of California,
Riverside, Department of Entomology, 16 September 1992: 18 pp. 291.
S. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Biological control of the greenhouse
whitefly on the ornamental Gerbera jamesonii: how does Encarsia
formosa behave in a patch? part II. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 169-172. 292.
H.J.W. van, L. Hemerik & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Leaving tendency
of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on a tomato leaflet. Proceedings
Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 4: 53-60. 293.
S., M. Manzano & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Foraging behaviour of Encarsia
formosa on Gerbera and tomato leaves. A comparison. Proceedings
Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 4: 61-65. 294.
J.C. van, 1993. Biological control of pests. In "Modern crop
protection: developments and perspectives", J.C. Zadoks ed. Wageningen
Pers: 179-187. 295.
J.C. van, 1993. Integrated pest management: the inescapable future. In
"Modern crop protection: developments and perspectives", J.C.
Zadoks ed. Wageningen Pers: 217-225. 296.
H., P.C. Luttikhuizen, J.W. Visser & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993.
Variation in host use in Encarsia formosa. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2):
67-70. 297.
A.J.M., A. Paris & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Influence of size of Frankliniella
occidentalis larvae on host acceptance by Ceranisus
menes. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 101-104. 298.
P., J.C. van Lenteren & P.W.T. Huisman, 1993. Development time,
survival and fecundity of Encarsia formosa on Bemisia tabaci
and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 173-176. 299.
L.R. & J.C. van Lenteren, ed., 1993. Proceedings Working Group
Meeting "Integrated Control in Glasshouses. September 1993, Cambridge,
UK. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 192 pp. 300.
J.C. van, ed., 1993. Precedings Working Group Meeting "Integrated
Control in Glasshouses. 25-29 April 1993, Pacific Grove, California, USA.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 16(2): 192 pp. 301.
H.J.W van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1992. Modelling the tritrophic
interaction between host plant, greenhouse whitefly and its parasitoid Encarsia
formosa on a single leaf. Proceedings XIX International Congress of
Entomology, Beijing, China: 297. 302.
J.C. van, 1993. Sting volume 13, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 24 pp. 303.
J.C. van, 1993. Biologische bestrijding van plagen: meer, beter en
sneller? In: "Het Meerjarenplan Gewasbescherming: stand van zaken van
het onderzoek". DLO, Ministerie van LNV: 24-26. 304.
J.C. van, 1993. Lutte biologique contre les ravageurs de la tomate:
pour le benefice des horticulteurs, des consommateurs et l'environnement.
Proceedings Conference "La lutte biologique sous serre", J.C.
Maisonneuve (ed.), 9-10 Novembre 1993, Brest, France, S.R.P.V. Brest: 7-17. 305.
J.C. van, 1994. Integrated control of Bemisia - a realistic
approach? Proceedings Conference "Integrated Pest Management - New
Strategies for the Caribbean Farmer", 22-26 November 1993, Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic; CARDI, CTA, JAD, FDA, DIA/SEA, IICA: 53-64. 306.
J.C. van, 1993. Parasites and predators play a paramount role in pest
management. In: "Pest Management: Biologically Based Technologies",
R.D. Lumsden & J.L. Vaughn,eds. American Chemical Society, Washington DC:
68-81. 307.
J.C. van, 1993. Biological control of pests: more, better and faster?
Proceedings "The Multi Year Crop Protection Plan: state of affairs of
the research", 12 October 1993, Wageningen, The Netherlands,
Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management
and Fisheries: 24-26. 308. Fransen,
J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1993. Host selection and survival of the
parasitoid Encarsia formosa on greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum, in the presence of hosts infected with the fungus Aschersonia
aleyrodis. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 69: 239-249. 309.
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. The functional response of
the parasitoid Encarsia formosa searching for whitefly on a plant.
Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. Amsterdam, 5:
165-172. 310. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1993. Designing and implementing quality control of
beneficial insects: towards more reliable biological pest control.
Proceedings 7th workshop Global IOBC working group "Quality control of
mass reared organisms”, G. Nicoli, M. Benuzzi & N.C. Leppla, eds.,
Rimini, 13-16 September 1993: 67-72. 311.
J.C. van, 1994. Biologically based crop protection: the approach for
the 21st century. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 59/2a: 163-169. 312.
K., J.C. van Lenteren, J. Boisclair & H. Henter, 1994. Biological
control of Bemisia tabaci with Encarsia formosa: a realistic
option. Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen,
Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 59/2a: 325-322. 313.
C.J.A.M., I. Sebestyen & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Short-range
flight test for quality control of Encarsia formosa. Mededelingen van
de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 59/2a:
315-323. 314.
Meekes, J.J. Fransen & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. The use of
entomopathogenic fungi for the control of whiteflies. Mededelingen van de
Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 59/2a: 371-377. 315.
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Arrestment of the whitefly
parasitoid Encarsia formosa on leaves after host encounters.
Mededelingen van de Faculteit der Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit
Gent, 59/2a: 305-313. 316. Henter,
J.H. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Variation in host use in Encarsia
formosa. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16: 399. 317. Fransen,
J.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Survival of the parasitoid Encarsia
formosa after treatment of parasitized greenhouse whitefly larvae with
fungal spores of Aschersonia aleyrodis. Entomologia experimentalis et
applicata 71: 235-243. 318. Lenteren,
J.C. van, F. Bigler & C. Waddington, 1993. Quality control
guidelines for natural enemies. Proceedings 7th workshop Global IOBC working
group "Quality control of mass reared organisms”, G. Nicoli, M. Benuzzi
& N.C. Leppla, eds., Rimini, 13-16 September 1993: 222-230. 319. Roermund,
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Residence times of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on tomato leaflets. Journal of
Applied Entomology 119: 465-471. 320. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1994. Biologically based crop protection: the approach for
the 21st century. Internal Paper Biologische Bundesanstalt fuer Land- und
Forstwirtschaft; Institut fuer biologischen Pflanzenschutz; Darmstadt;
Germany, November 1994: 8 pp. 321. Lei
Hong, F. Tjallingii, J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Recording electrical
penetration graphs and honeydew excretion by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum. Phytoparasitica 22: 311. 322. Lenteren,
J.C. van, K. Brasch & H. Henter, 1994. Biological control of Bemisia
tabaci with Encarsia formosa: a realistic option? Phytoparasitica
22: 338. 323. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1994. Scientific constraints to international cooperation.
International Bemisia workshop, Shoresh, Israel, 3-7 October 1994: 56. 324. Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1994. Report on the activities of the working group
"Integrated Control in Glasshouses", northern section. Proceedings
7th General Assembly, September 1993, Lisboa, Portugal. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 17
(7) 1994: 133-137. 325. Lenteren,
J.C. van & K. Brasch, 1994. Variation in acceptance and
parasitization of Bemisia tabaci by Encarsia formosa. Bulletin
IOBC/WPRS 17 (5) 1994: 96-103. 326. Loomans,
A.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1994. Evaluation of the effectiveness
of parasitic wasps for the biological control of thrips pests in protected
crops: state of affairs. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 17 (5) 1994: 158-164. 327 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1994. Sting volume 14, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 24 pp. 328 Roermund,
H.J.W., & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Foraging behaviour of the
whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on tomato leaflets. Entomologia
experimentalis et applicata 76: 313-324. 329 Lenteren,
J.C. van, J.E. Parlevliet & P.C. Scheepens & J.C., 1995.
Oecologie en gewasbescherming. In: Oecologie, K. Bakker, J.H. Mook & J.G.
van Rhijn, eds. Bohn, Stafleu & van Loghum, Houten: 589-615. 330 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1995. Integrated Pest Management in Protected Crops. In:
Integrated Pest Management, D. Dent, ed. Chapman and Hall, London: 311-343. 331 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Simulation of biological
control of greenhouse whitefly with the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on
tomato. Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. 6, 1995:
153-159. 332 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1995. Biological pest and disease control in protected
crops: a scientific and applied success. European Journal of Plant Pathology:
412. 333 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1993. Biological pest control in greenhouses: an overview.
Part I. Japanese Journal of Plant Protection, 47 (6): 261-265 (in Japanese). 334 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1993. Biological pest control in greenhouses: an overview.
Part II. Japanese Journal of Plant Protection, 47 (7): 305-310 (in Japanese). 335 Loomans,
A.J.M., J.C. van Lenteren, M.G. Tomasini, S. Maini & J. Riudavets, 1995.
Biological control of thrips pests. Wageningen Agricultural Papers, 95 (1):
201 pp. 336 Lenteren,
J.C. van & A.J.M. Loomans, 1995. Introduction to "Biological
control of thrips pests". Wageningen Agricultural Papers, 95 (1): v-vi. 337 Loomans,
A.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Hymenopterous parasitoids of
thrips: a review. In: Biological control of thrips pests, Wageningen
Agricultural Papers, 95 (1): 89-201. 338 Lenteren,
J.C. van, M. Dicke & L.E.M. Vet, 1995. Milieuveilig beheersen van
insektenpopulaties: Nederlandse entomologen zetten de trend. In: Insekten
Onderzoeken: een overzicht van vijftig jaar entomologisch onderzoek in
Nederland. Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging: 124-135. 339 Loomans,
A.J.M, T. Murai, P.J.N.F. van Heest & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Ceranisus
menes (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) for control of Western Flower Thrips:
biology and behavior. In: Thrips Biology and Management, B.L. Parker, M.
Skinner & T. Lewis, eds., Plenum, New York: 263-268. 340 Lenteren,
J.C. van, H.J.W. van Roermund & S. Sütterlin, 1996. Biological
control of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum): how does
it work? Biological Control, 6: 1-10. 341 Lei,
H., W.F. Tjallingii, J.C. van Lenteren and R.M. Xu, 1996. Stylet
penetration by larvae of greenhouse whitefly on cucumber. Entomologia
experimentalis et applicata 79: 77-84. 342 Sebestyen,
I, C.J.A.M. Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995. Tests of the
flight capability to check the quality of Encarsia formosa
populations. Proceedings of the 41th Plant Protection Days, Budapest, 21-22
February: 65. 343 Silva,
I.M.M.S., F.J.P.M. van Kan, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Stouthamer, 1995.
Analysis of Portuguese Trichogramma spp. (Hym., Trichogrammatidae)
using ITS-rDNA and RAPDs. Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids. 4th
International Symposium, Cairo (Egypt) 4-7 October 1994. Les Colloques INRA,
73: 37-39. 344 Brasch,
K., J.C. van Lenteren, H. Henter & G. Bujaki, 1995. Differences in
Encarsia formosa populations with regard to control of Bemisia
tabaci. Proceedings of the 41th Plant Protection Days, Budapest, 21-22
February: 38. 345 Lei,
H., W.F. Tjallingii and J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Recording Electrical
Penetration Graphs and honeydew excretion of the greenhouse whitefly. In: Bemisia
1995: Taxonomy, Biology, Damage Control and Managament. D. Gerling and R.T.
Mayer (eds.), Intercept, Andover: 53-68. 346 Steenis,
M.J. van, K.A.M.H. El-Khawass, L. Hemerik & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996.
Time allocation of the parasitoid Aphidius colemani foraging for Aphis
gossypii on cucumber leaves. Journal of Insect Behavior 9: 283-295. 347 Struik,
P.C., E.A. Goewie, J.C. van Lenteren, L.H.W. van der Plas & P. Stam,
1995. De positie van de groene sector van de Landbouwuniversiteit in
een snel veranderende landbouwwereld: een opiniestuk. Landbouwuniversiteit
Wageningen: 33pp. 348 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1995. Status of quality control for natural enemies in
Europe. Abstract 8th Workshop IOBC
Global Working Group "Quality Control of Mass Reared Arthropods",
9-12 October 1995, Santa Barbara, USA: 15. 349 Schelt,
J. van, Buma, M.O.S., Moskal, J., Smit, J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1995.
Entotrack: using video imaging to automate the quality control of mass-reared
arthropods. Poster presented at 8th
Workshop IOBC Global Working Group "Quality Control of Mass Reared
Arthropods", 9-12 October 1995, Santa Barbara, USA. 350 Henter,
H.J. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Variation between laboratory
populations in the performance of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on
two host species, Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata, 80: 427-434. 351 Henter,
H.J., K. Brasch & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Variation between
laboratory populations of Encarsia formosa in their parasitization
behavior on the host Bemisia tabaci. Entomologia experimentalis et
applicata, 80: 435-441. 352 Roskam,
M.M., G.H. Wessels & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Flight capacity and
body size as indicators of quality for the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia
formosa. Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. 7:
159-164. 353 Posthuma-Doodeman,
C.J.A.M., J.C. van Lenteren, I. Sebestyen & Z. Ilovai, 1996.
Short-range flight test for quality control of Encarsia formosa.
Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V.7: 153-158. 354 Roermund,
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Factors affecting whitefly
control by the parasitoid Encarsia formosa in tomato. Proceedings
Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V. 7: 101-108. 355 Drost,
Y.C., A. Fadi Elmula, C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren,
1996. Selection of parasitoids for the control of whitefly.
Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V.7: 165-170. 356 Struik,
P.C., E. A. Goewie, J.C. van Lenteren, L.H.W. van der Plas & P. Stam,
1995. De Groene Sector van de Landbouwuniversiteit in een snel
veranderende landbouwwereld. Spil 135-136: 31-32. 357 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1997. From Homo economicus to Homo ecologicus:
towards environmentally safe pest control. In: Modern Agriculture and the
Environment, D. Rosen, E. Tel-Or, Y. Hadar, Y. Chen, eds., Kluwer Acadamic
Publishers, Dordrecht: 17-31. 358 Lenteren,
J.C. van & W.A. Overholt, 1994. Ecology and Integrated Pest
Management. Insect Science and its Applications 15 (6): 557-582 (appeared in
1997). 359 Roermund,
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Evaluation of effectiveness
of Encarsia formosa by simulation. Proceedings 56th Conf. Japanese
Society of Entomology., 27-29 March 1996, Yamaguchi, Japan: 270-271. 360 Drost,
Y.C., A. Fadi Elmula, C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren,
1996. Development of criteria for evaluation of natural enemies in
biological control: bionomics of different parasitoids of Bemisia
argentifolii. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 31-34. 361 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Regulatory issues related to biological control in
Europe. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 79-82. 362 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Quality control tests for natural enemies used in
greenhouse biological control. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 83-86. 363 Lenteren,
J.C. van, C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman, M. Roskam & G. Wessels, 1996.
Quality control of Encarsia formosa: flight tests. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS
19 (1) 1996: 87-90. 364 Loomans,
A.J.M. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Prospects of Ceranisus
americensis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as a potential biological
control agents of thrips pests in protected crops. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1)
1996: 95-98. 365 Meekes,
E.T.M., J.J. Fransen & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Pathogenicity of
entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Aschersonia against whitefly.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 103-106. 366 Roermund,
H.J.W. van & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. A combined experimental-simulation
approach to improve biological control. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996:
131-134. 367 Sütterlin,
S. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Hairiness of Gerbera jamesonii
leaves and the walking speed of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa.
Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 19 (1) 1996: 171-174. 368 Sebestyen,I,
C.J.A.M. Doodeman, H.J. van Roermund & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996.
Effects of eggs end empty exuviae of Trialeurodes vaporariorum
(Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on the behaviour of Encarsia formosa
Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Proceedings 42th Plant Protection Days,
Budapest, Hungary, 27-28 February: 79. 369 Alebeek,
F.A.N., T.H. Bezemer, A. van Huis & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. The
functional response of Uscana lariophaga under different egg
distributions of its host Callosobruchus maculatus. Entomologia
explicata et applicata 81: 227-233. 370 Lenteren,
J.C. van & H.J.W. van Roermund, 1997. Better biological control by
a combination of experimentation and modelling. In: Applications of Systems
Approaches at the Field Level, M.J. Kropff et al., eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht:
349-363. 371 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. International trends and prospects of seasonal
inoculative releases with natural enemies. Proceedings Symposium Japan Plant
Protection Association, 11 October 1996, Tokyo: 3-31 (english version), 55-63
(japanese version). 372 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Vakgroep Entomologie: onderzoek en onderwijs. Derde
Almanak van de Vereniging van Studenten in de Plantenveredeling en
Gewasbescherming. Ponsen en Looijen, Wageningen: 34-37. 373 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1996. Analysis of
foraging behavior of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in an experimental arena: a simulation study.
Journal of Insect Behavior 9: 771-797 . 374 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1997. Analysis of
foraging behavior of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on a
leaf: a simulation study. Biological Control 8: 22-36. 375 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1997. Analysis of
foraging behaviour of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa on a
plant: a simulation study. Biocontrol Science and Technology 7: 131-151. 376 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, J.C. van Lenteren & R. Rabbinge, 1997. Biological
control of greenhouse whitefly with the parasitoid Encarsia formosa on
tomato: an individual-based simulation approach. Biological Control 9: 25-47. 377 Roermund,
H.J.W. van, & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996. Simulation of the whitefly-Encarsia
formosa interaction, based on foraging behaviour of individual
parasitoids. Abstracts XXth International Congress of Entomology, Florence,
Italy, August 25-31: 336. 378 Yano,
E., K. Nagai, P.J.M. Mols, H.J.W. van Roermund & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996.
Population interaction between Orius and thrips in greenhouses.
Abstracts XXth International Congress of Entomology, Florence, Italy, August
25-31: 627. 379 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1997. Benefits and risks of introducing exotic
macro-biological control agents into Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO 27: 15-27. 380 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Aphelinid parasitoids as sustainable biological
control agents in greenhouses. Abstracts XXth International Congress of
Entomology, Florence, Italy, August 25-31: 630. 381 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Harvesting safely from biodiversity: natural enemies
as sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for pest control.
Abstracts XXth International Congress of Entomology, Florence, Italy, August
25-31: 634 . 382 Drost,
Y.C., C.J.A.M. Posthuma-Doodeman & J.C. van Lenteren, 1996.
Comparison of searching efficiency of five parasitoid species (Aphelinidae
and Platygasteridae) of Bemisia tabaci/argentifolii (Aleyrodidae).
Abstracts XXth International Congress of Entomology, Florence, Italy, August
25-31: 655. 383 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1995. Sting volume 15, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 16 pp. 384 Lenteren,
J.C. van, 1996. Sting volume 16, Newsletter on biological control in
greenhouses. Wageningen Agricultural University: 16 pp. 385 Sütterlin,
S. & J.C. van Lenteren, 1997. Influence of hairiness of Gerbera
jamesonii leaves on the searching efficiency of the parasitoid Encarsia
formosa. Biological Control 9: 157-165. 386 Lei,
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general: from new pest to implementation of IPM programmes Lenteren, J.C. van, 1996. Lutte biologique contre les ravageurs:
défenition et nécessité. Chapitre 1, Adoption du module lutte biologique,
programme Natura/Nectar. Une formation continue desitinee aux professionels des
institutions de rececherche et le developpement. Centre Beninois pour le
developpement durable. Groupe Protection des Vegetaux et University Nationale
de Benin, Cotonou, Benin: 1-4. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1996. Lutte biologique contre les ravageurs:
parasitoides, predateurs et pathogenes. Chapitre 2, Adoption du module lutte
biologique, programme Natura/Nectar. Une formation continue desitinee aux
professionels des institutions de rececherche et le developpement. Centre
Beninois pour le developpement durable. Groupe Protection des Vegetaux et
University Nationale de Benin, Cotonou, Benin: 5-12. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1996. Aspects ecologiques du controle
biologique: predateurs et parasitoides. Chapitre 4, Adoption du module lutte
biologique, programme Natura/Nectar. Une formation continue desitinee aux
professionels des institutions de rececherche et le developpement. Centre
Beninois pour le developpement durable. Groupe Protection des Vegetaux et
University Nationale de Benin, Cotonou, Benin: 43-53. Lenteren, J.C. van, 1996.
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des institutions de rececherche et le developpement. Centre Beninois pour le
developpement durable. Groupe Protection des Vegetaux et University Nationale
de Benin, Cotonou, Benin: 63-70. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. A greenhouse without pesticides, fact
or fantasy. Course reader, 12-21 June 2000, 3rd International
Course on Agroecology “Biodiversity, food and sustainable development”,
Perugia, Italy: 15 pp. Lenteren, J.C. van, 2000. How can entomology contribute to
sustainable crop production. Course reader, 12-21 June 2000, 3rd
International Course on Agroecology “Biodiversity, food and sustainable
development”, Perugia, Italy: 10 pp. |